Why bricks are wet during brick work

Bricks are wet during brick work to prevent them from absorbing water from the mortar too quickly.
Wet bricks prevent the mortar from drying out too quickly, which can weaken the bond between the brick...read more

Bricks are wet during bricks to used to mortar 8mm& 10mm observation 20/

The walls of a building are generally constructed by bricks and the method of
joining bricks in different fashions is called brick work.

Cause wet brick blocks and sucks all the moisture from the mortar

Because brick not absorb water from brick work mortae & Plaster morter, Crack not develop

Minimum 6hrs,reason to bricks salt clean &motar & bricks very strong

Brick having maximum water absorption is 20%. So while construction of brick wall with suitable mix proposition, if your using brick without watering, brick will absorption water from mortar. So to av...read more

Removing of dust and dirt

Wetting of bricks assists in removing the dirt, sand and dust from them. Further, it prevents the suction of water from wet mortar, as otherwise mortar is likely to dry out soon and crumble before att...read more
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