A compiler is a program that translates the entire source code into machine code before executing it. The source code is fed into the compiler, which analyzes and translates it into an executable file. This executable file can then be run multiple times without needing to recompile the source code. Compilers are used for languages like C, C++, and Java. An interpreter, on the other hand, translates the source code line by line as it executes the program. The source code is read and executed sequentially, and each line is translated into machine code as it is executed. Interpreters are used for languages like Python, Ruby, and JavaScript. Here are some differences between a compiler and an interpreter: Execution: A compiler generates machine code for the entire source code before execution, whereas an interpreter executes the source code line by line. Performance: Compiled code is generally faster than interpreted code because the machine code is optimized and can be executed more quickly. However, interpreted code can be more flexible and easier to debug. Portability: Interpreters are generally more portable than compilers because the interpreter itself can run on multiple platforms. Compiled code must be recompiled for each platform. Error handling: Compilers tend to be more strict with error handling and syntax checking, whereas interpreters can be more forgiving and allow for more dynamic behavior. In summary, compilers and interpreters are both important tools in software development, and the choice between them depends on the language being used and the requirements of the project
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