What is work mr

The role of mr in the pharmaceutical company is to distribute and parmot the pharmaceutical company to the dr and chemist increase the pharmaceutical production

I work in packing department as a machine operator in labeling and show box coding machin serialisation system

Promote and Sells company's product

Mr....as a type of seller but in this field mr ...motivate the dr.....chemist or retailers to purchasing drugs

My interested job

Mr is a person who represent compouny or a pharmaceutical organizations he must meet doctors chemists regularly nd he must check dump products in stock

Medical representative job is a sale and promote of company products whether that pharmaceuticals drugs and medical equipment include costomer doctor nurse and pharmacist

all type wokk team ledear

I work in production department as a officer .I handle Distillation ,ANFD,PP AREA with 7 to 8 man power .

Machine operator

The role of Mr in the pharmaceutical company is to distribute and promote the pharmaceutical products to the chemists and doctor and increasing the prescription.
Achieving the target month after month...read more

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