Total time: 110 mins 1. Find missing and duplicate numbers from given array(algo, code, optimization, dry run, complexity analysis) 2. Flatten Binary tree to Linked List Conversion (algo, code, optimization, dry run, complexity analysis) 3. Find loop in linkedlist (write function only) 4. AVL tree balancing factor analysis. 5. What is RDBMS and SQL 6. Difference between sql and mongodb 7. What is mongoose 8. Difference between react js and angular js 9. Difference between http and tcp 10. Different between IPV4 and IPV6 11. What is Deadlock and Race Condition? 12. Tell me what is the use of pointer in function oriented programming? Why Pointer is not there in Java


Interview questions for Software Engineer position

  • Array manipulation and linked list operations

  • Tree data structure and balancing techniques

  • Database concepts and differences between SQL and NoSQL

  • Web more

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