Yes, I can use Excel formulas to process the given data and provide the desired output.
Excel formulas can be used to perform various calculations and manipulations on data
They can be used to perform m...read more

Yes I will be able to used the data in Excel, by using Excel formula

Yes I will be able to use the data in excel, by using excel formula

yes definately......

Yes, I will give the output based on the data

Yes as far as I know. I will get you anything using Excel.

Yes I am using the data formulas some times

Yes I give any out put use to some times Excel formulas

Yes, I give output Esliye use to excel formulas

Yes, i am Good at in excel

yes but it depends on what output you are expecting out of data and the data quality(enough data and clean or not). for complex analysis and business specific ones companies use tools like power bi et...read more

Yes,it is easy to use an Excel while preparing data for future use.

Yes it is very easy to use excel formulas on the data set to derive the required outputs if you know the formulas and their use case in Excel.
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