What is job of a MR ?

Namikaze gamer


first of all i myself introduce to a doctor and also my company, i tell them about my brand

and our manufacturer where as i also mention cost of per tablets and i ask them their supports

after then...read more

Nitin Sharma

The job of a MR is to enhance the sells of his company…

Rakesh Kumar Nayak

Sir meeting to doctor and explain about our products and generated the prescription and visit to medical shop and explain this product.

Saki Saikrishna

Sir meet the doctor and explain about our products and convince the doctor and explain our products is best than the other company and visit the medical stores and check the our stock is there or not ...read more


Sir meet the doctor and generate the prescription of the product and check the availability near by the chemist and some instructions follow by the Boss and some achieved target which given by the com...read more

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