Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

What if you can't knock at your Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 8 Jan 2025

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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 13 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: HI All,

In this Article I am going to share my interview experience with Capgemini Bangalore.
This Position was basically for Senior software engineer on SNMP Agent development skill.
This SNMP Agent development can be developed by using C,or C++ or Perl with C on Linux environment skills.
Below is the Interview conversion:-
Interviewer: Hi Nabhisab, I am xyz calling from Capgemini Bangalore, Is this the right time to talk to you?
Nabhi :Hi xyz, you can go ahead, No issues.
Interviewer:Could you brief me about yourself?
Nabhi :Yeah sure, well I am basically from Karnataka state, done my school, colleges and my B.E in BLDEA VTU university Belgaum, Later on I moved to Bangalore , got off-campus from Techmahindra and got placed in Chennai,
Later on put a personal transfer request to Bangalore but due to lack of project at Bangalore they had transferred me to Pune techmahindra office.
Interviewer: Nice, Could you explain about your projects so far you had worked and the current one also?
Nabhi :well I worked on Bogen communication USA client on SNMP agent development and was on C,Perl on linux enviornement. And I worked on Directory and messaging project for BT client which was on C,Perl skills.
Currently I am working with AT&T client from techmahindra Pune, which is on perl, C and Oracle-PLSQL on Linux environment.
Interviewer:Could you Please tell me what kind of work you have done in SNMP agent development project and what is it ?
Nabhi :Well , SNMP is a protocol basically, and is developed to manage nodes like router, work stations, switches and hubs.
Interviewer: Do you know why which transport protocol is being used in this development ?
Nabhi : Yes, UDP protocol, because it provides a simple and unreliable message services for transactions oriented services.
Interviewer: What are the main 3 components of the SNMP?
Nabhi :Yes, we do have Managed Devices, Agents and NMS's.
Interviewer:Could you please brief me about these components?
Nabhi :well, "Managed device" is a network node and it contains SNMP Agent and resides on a managed hardware.
This basically collects and store management information and make this information available to NMS's using SNMP. exampes are like routers,switches etc.
"Agent" is and network management software module that resides in a managed device, This has local knowledge of management information and it will translates to SNMP.
"NMS" is executes applications that monitor and control managed devices.
Interviewer: Oh ok,what is the SNMP version you are using?
Nabhi : SNMPV2, which is having GETBULK PDU which can be used to get bulk data in a packet.
Interviewer:what is the syntax for SNMPGET?
Nabhi :SNMPGET -v 2c -c public localhost sysUpTime.0
this retrieves the information associated with the specified OID from the target agent.
Interviewer: Good, At the End you have told that it should be zero affix in the syntax, what does it mean?
Nabhi : To access scalar objects the we should have to use object.0
Interviewer: Ok fine. what do you mean by MIB in SNMP?
Nabhi:MIB is an management information base. This can be done by using ASN.1 syntax style with any MIB editors tools which are existed in the market today.
Interviewer:ok, what MIB editor tool you have used ?
Nabhi :Advent Net Agent tool kit.
Interviewer:Ok. which compiler is used for compiling MIB ?
Nabhi : mib2c compiler which is existed on Linux by defalt.
Interviewer: How do you rebuild your new package SNMP agent onto the existing Agent.?
Nabhi:You have to configure the package to find into the agent.
use ./configuer -- with -mib_module="Agent module Object"
make and make install steps thats all.
Interviewer: Nice Nabhi, are you familiar with Perl scripting ?
Nabhi : Yes xyz.
Interviewer: Ok Nabhi, I have dome my Interview, Do you have anything to ask?
Nabhi: No xyz, Have gone through your JD so it is ok with me.
Interviewer: Ok Then, my HR will let you know Nabhi about this Feedback.
Nabhi : yeah fine, and nice talking to you xyz.
I think this may helpful to the persons who are working on SNMP agent developemnt with C, perl on linux environment.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Round 1:It was early in morning 9.00 o'clock. We are almost 60 students. HR came and announced that if anyone do cheating then she will immediately reject that student.

We have only one hour. There are three sections but not disclosed about what they are? We cant go back in questions paper means if we do 3rd question then cant goes for 2nd and 1st one. We have to go serially. Now all are very tense because the rules are very tough.

We got question paper at 9.30 and she said time start now. I started doing it. First section is related to English means read the paragraph and answer the questions. We have to think a lot because all are logical questions and the last question of each paragraph is moral of that paragraph.

It took almost 22 minutes to complete it and the second part of 1st section is aptitute test. Now I am so afraid because We have to complete 1st section in 25 min. I attempted only three questions and hear her voice, that start 2nd section and leave the 1st one.

But I never quit and went to 2nd section, it is of Mainframe. I have to complete it in 25 min. Again questions are so tough and only 20. So we have ample time to do it. Mainly it contains questions related to CICS and some from DB2, JCL, COBOL. questions like : 

What is cobol copy book? And more questions on reading the code and giving output. Also answers can be more than one, questions on working storage section, related to level numbers. 

Now 25 minutes also over but manage to attempt all the questions. The last section is passage writing and the topic is Passion with real time example. I wrote about mainframe training as a real time example because I am from ENTC dept but my passion is to do mainframe and I did it. 

In evening I got call that I have to come ADP at 12.00 for 2nd round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I went there, submitted my phone and bag. There are about 15 students. One by one interview started. All are very nervous. Now it's my turn. I knocked the door gentely and ask for permission to come in. They called me in. There is a man and a woman to take interview. They asked for my CV and I gave them and now the 1st question tell me about yourself. I gave the answer which includes their things- my name, birth place, educational background, hobbies, strength: hardworking, punctual, weakness: simplicity. Now the 2nd question is many divisions are in cobol 


Q.tell the names 

A.I told 

and many more like 

Q.what is cobol copy book 

Q.What is Comp-3 

Q.Level no 66, 77, 88 

now the interesting question... If electronica wants to hire you what you do....will you stay here or go for that 

A.I will stay here because my passion is mainframe and thats why I opt it and dont want do go for ENTC. 

Q.Do you know the job profile? 

A.yes tell 

A.its about monitoring the jobs only related to CICS. 

They told me that it's a 24x7 project. 

I told them that dont any problem with shiftings. They thanked me and also thank them and leave the place. Finally I got result and was not selected.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: We informed 3 days before interview. They told us that it is a written test. I reached the specified place. There are around 100 students to attend the interview. Before starting test, HR gave us instruction that it's an one and half hour and no negitive marking. We started it. In test there are three sections: 1) Microprocessor 2) Aptitude 3) Mainframe. I am from electronics and telecommunication background so did not know microcontroller well. But any how I manage to attempt. In aptitude questions are good. All are based on logic and some from R S Agrawal. So this section went quite good. Now the main section that is mainframe. Questions are very simple but tricky. Some of they are as follows: 1) level numbers 66, 77 ,88 2) cobol copy book 3) comp 3 4) like from DB2 5) time 6) to steps with / after first step etc. I attempted all question and was very confident will clears it.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I got call for second round and I went to Steria. Now it's time for group discussion and the topic is "politics in sports in India and it's effects". She instructed to start and I started it with CWG. Role of Kalmadi in it and what we got from it. We are five persons and all are putting their views. Finally she interrupted and told to summarize it and again I started and summarized. So again I was confident that I will clear it also.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: All are in tense. HR came and announced the result, again I was selected. Now only 16 students are remained. They told us that they are going to take next round, so be prepare. Again one by one student went to give interview. In my turn I did same thing that is knocked the door and took permission to come in and he gave me the permission. He asked me to tell what questions interviewer asked you in previous round. I told all the questions then he told me I will ask you only one question. I want that you write a code for me and the scenerio is like you have the two files, both are sorted and I want a third file which is the combination of both files but in sorted order. Also he imposed one more condition that you cannot use any utility. Just write your own logic. He gave me 10 minutes to write code and told me to sit outside and do not ask anyone. I relaxed my self and write a code with an example. After completing next student's interview, he asked me to come in, tell your code. I explained what I wrote and he apraised it. Finally completing all student's interview they announced result and I was like amongst 8 who selected.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This is an interview which took place in Bangalore for the post of Secretary, for a construction company way back in 90' I was one of the candidates among 15 applicants. I was sure that I won't be selected for the post as I was new to the system. I just wanted to know the formal procedure of the interview, so I made up my mind to attend it without any fear in my mind. I was under the impression that may head of the company would be sitting and he may ask certain questions related to me, educational qualification, experience and salary. My answers were ready. One by one went inside and came back. After 6 candidates, my turn came. There was not one person to interview as I thought; there was a panel of three members. I became quite sure that I was not the one to be selected, so whatever questions they ask must be answered by me boldly. I greeted them and waited for their response. I took seat when they offered me. It started very slowly with my introduction then other questions I had prepared for. In between one of the members asked me who the chief minister of Bihar was then. I was speechless. I did not know the answer. Then I told them that it was really difficult to remember because the ministers keep on changing as the system was flexible. After a couple of questions, I was told that it would be intimated to me. I forgot the incident and moved on.
On April 1st 1991, I received the letter saying that I should join them from 3rd of April. My brother teased me that I had been fooled by them. Still, I went on 3rd April and I was cordially invited by the manager, one of the panel members.
I learnt a few lessons from this interview :
1. Trust yourself.
2. be bold, so that the interviewer must feel that you are confident.
3. be honest about your knowledge, as nobody is perfect.
4. Handle the situation in a tactful method.
After this interview, none of my interview was in vain. I would like to give some of the tips for the new aspirants, who are on look out for an opportunity. You can just grab it, if you are self confident but definitely not over confident.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

  • Q1. You have any past experience as safety engineer?
  • Q2. What is the nature of your job?
  • Q3. Fine. What and all should be checked on a heavy vehicle which enters a construction site?
  • Q4. What is work permit?
  • Q5. What is the safety procedure to use a ladder against wall?
  • Q6. Now you are seeing a worker using ladder without safety procedure. What will you do?
  • Q7. If he doesn't obey you??
  • Q8. No. Should teach him as he cold understand that we are saying for his safety only. If he doesn't obey then too then only should put fine and all. okay?
  • Q9. What is your basic qualification?
  • Q10. Then you do you prefer safety field than electronics?
  • Q11. You would've seen the your basic salary and allowanse and all. Do you agree to work in our company with this package?
  • Q12. You have to give your original certificate to get offer letter. This is the formality to join in our company. We will give the certificate back to you in the more
  • Q13. If any situation comes that you cant inform your leave from company, you should pay the amount of your one month salary to the company to get your original more

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: We shared our greeting after i gave my resume attached with the copies of all my educational documents and testimonials.
Interviewer: You have any past experience as safety engineer?
Me: Yes sir. I have a couple of years in Siva constructions,Trichy. 
Interviewer:What is the nature of your job?
Me: Have to do the following works daily sir,
1. Tool box meeting
2. Taking record of total man power in the site from the daily attendance.
3. Checking the first aid box and make sure that the following medical equipments are there,
* Band aid

* Scissor
* Sufficient amount of cotton
* Head ache and stomach pain tablets
* Dettol 
* Anticeptic medicines
* CPR kid
4. Making sure that all the labor following the things which had been said in the tool box meeting by supervising.
5. Have to give the labor first aid if they get any minor injury. Have to give first aid and send the labor to hospital if they met with any big accident.
6.Have to stop all the works in the spot and should put barrigation around the spot if any fatal accident happens. Have to enquire the personnal who and all being in the spot where fatals happen.Should prepare a record with the content of the notes got from those enquiry if fatal accident happens.7.Have to prepare daily report with the help of the attendance and the notes of minor and big accidents happened on that day. The daily report will bear the total safety hours of the day too. Thats it sir.
Interviewer: fine. What and all should be checked on a heavy vehicle which enters a construction site?
Me: We should check the following sir,
* License and other paper about the vehicle
* Brake of the vehicle
* Horn and reverse horn
* Have to check the gate pass. etc.,
Interviewer: okay.What is work permit?
Me: It is a paper should be given by a safety officer to any work in the site. In that sheet, the work nature, the time duration in which the work has to be finished all will be mentioned. This sheet should be prepared by the supervisor of the work and should be signed by the engineer of that work, Site incharge ,and finally by safety officer/engineer. No work should be done without this work permit sheet sir.
Interviewer: What is the safety procedure to use a ladder against wall?
Me: 45 cm of minimum space should be left between the bottom of the ladder and the wall sir.
Interviewer: okay. Now you are seeing a worker using ladder without safety procedure. What will you do?
Me: I will teach him the safety procedure and tell him to follow that. 
Interviewer:If he doesn't obey you??
Me: Simple. Ill put fine and add the amount to the safety fund sir.
Interviewer: No. Should teach him as he cold understand that we are saying for his safety only. If he doesn't obey then too then only should put fine and all. okay?
Me:Okay sir.
Interviewer: What is your basic qualification?
Me: B.E(Electronics and communications)sir.
Interviewer:Tjen you do you prefer safety field than electronics?
Me:I have no interest in that field sir.
Interviewer:okay. You have been selected. Go and meet the H.R.
Me:Thank you sir.
He gave me a paper consisting of the basic salary,ESI,Monthly bonus and yearly bonus. I went to meet the H.R with that paper. The following discussion happened in the H.R room:
H.R Manager:You would've seen the your basic salary and allowanse and all. Do you agree to work in our company with this package?
Me:Gladly sir.
H.R Manager:fine. You have to give your original certificate to get offer letter. This is the formality to join in our company. We will give the certificate back to you in the following situations:
1. You should inform us before a month if you are going to leave the job.
2.You should work here after informing your quiting job without salary.
3.If any situation comes that you cant inform your leave from company, you should pay the amount of your one month salary to the company to get your original certificate back.
Me: I agree sir.
I joined in that company and worked for a month and quit my job. I payed them my one month salary and got my original certificate.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 11 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: opportunity through Job portal siteWhen I was doing my MBA (Finance & Marketing) final semester in Chennai, I have registered in job portals like and I used to get job notifications and I apply for whichever job that meets my expectation and for the jobs that I am eligible to. A week after my final exams, I received a call from Datasift asking about my interest to work in Mysore. Though I have registered in many job portals and sent my resumes to various companies, I first enquired about how he got my number and details. He said it is through Naukri and preferred to call me because of the place preference I chose in Naukri site that includes Mysore. Then I continued with the call. He first cross checked me with his available details by questioning about my qualifications and marks secured.
Preliminary knowledge testBefore continuing with formal interview procedures, he asked couple of subject oriented questions which are relevant to the job.
Q: Since you have chosen Finance as one of your specializations, are you clear with financial instruments and its' terms?
A: Yes. I had Security Analysis & Portfolio Management (SAPM) and Derivatives as part of my syllabus. I am clear with financial terms as well as security market terms.
Q: What is portfolio management?A: Managing more than 1 security/stock in stock market's basket.
Q: What is Derivatives?
A: A financial instrument whose value depends upon one or more underlying asset.
He corrected the last answer with exact book definition and confirmed a date and time for on-line test.

Round: Test
Experience: Online testIn two days I had my on-line test. Three links were sent to my mail id.

1st link: Multiple choice questions to test the logical reasoning. It majorly consists of questions expecting to answer the next possible diagram, number, alphabets etc. People good at mathematics and logical reasoning ability could easily crack this test.

2nd link: Multiple choice questions to test the Grammar and strength in English language.

3rd link: Kind of essay writing. Consist of 2 questions only.

Choose any one of the following person's name and write a biography about them. (3 billionaire's name was given) concentrate more on their financial part.I chose one person; she is a billionaire as well. Written her biography in a chronological order, starting from her date of birth, education, marriage, career, business, how she expanded her business, the positions she hold, the awards she got etc.With respect to her wealth, written her wealth as per Forbes, her investments, the business from where does she earn the most or which contributes more to her wealth etc.Important note: I gave reference links at the end of the biographyHow will you value a land if it's market value is not available?Sqft value of that area * area of the land.Last purchase value of the land plus its appreciation value.Value of the lands that are nearby to the land which need to be valued.I called back the person and informed that I finished the test. He acknowledged that he too got the notification and said he will call me back with the results. The same evening I received a positive reply from him that I have passed in my online test and short listed for the telephonic interview with the Manager on the next day morning 10am.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: As fixed, I received call from Datasift's Manager. He introduced himself with his name and designation and confirmed whether I am also ready for the interview.

Manager: Before starting our discussion, let me know whether you are interested to taking up this job in Mysore (if selected).

Me: Yes. I have no problem in moving to Mysore for job.

Manager: Nice. Please tell about yourself and need not to be about your family.

Me: Well, Myself XXXX, completed MBA in YYY College, Chennai and did my B.Com in YYY. Done my final year project in YYY Bank on its relationship between Net banking services and customer satisfaction. I have also done my summer internship in YYY (Mfg Company) where I have been closely involved in their inventory control research team.

Manager: Can you explain the project you did in bank?

Me: yes, and I started explaining my project. Answered to his questions asked in between regarding the analysis methodology, tools used to analyze and end results.

Manager: Since you have worked both in Service sector and manufacturing sector, which one is comfortable to you?

Me: Both. In both the places, my primary objective is to learn. Since my tasks are research based, it was interesting. As far as the jobs are not monotonous, my interest will not get deprived. So it's not the sector but the nature of job that defines my comfort level.

Manager: Fine, 20 years from now, which industry will stand high in the business market.

Me: I always strongly believe on financial institutions and related sectors.

Manager: Why? Even this sector saw its downs some years back and they were the reasons for recession.

Me: Yes, I agree, but as long as men live, their desire for earning and saving are not going to stop, that is the reason I strongly believe that these institutions will keep growing. I agree that any industry should see its ups and downs, but this sector will not go out of market, as it does not have any replacements.

He said, he agreed with the statement that desire for earning and savings for men will not stop. Then he asked whether I know about the organization. Still he told he will explain it once and explained what DataSift is all about, what they work and for whom they work. That gave a clear idea about the organization and work nature.

If selected, what would be my possible joining date? He asked me to choose between two dates. I chose the later one.

He asked me whether I have any questions from my side. I asked about accommodation and pay. He said temporary accommodation will be arranged. Regarding pay, he asked for my expectation. I said mine. He said that he noted down my expectations and let me know my results soon. He also wished me a good luck. It was nice speaking to him that he made the interview so lively with interactions in between Q&A.

In 2 hours time, I got a call from HR person; he said those blessed words that I got selected. Of course we had pay negotiations and joined DataSift successfully as a Research Analyst on the chosen date.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 11 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This is my interview experience with Value Labs.

praveen:Good evening sir

Manager:Good evening,iam are you

praveen:iam fine ,thank are you doing Debashish

Mgr:Iam absolutely fine

Mgr: may i have your resume

Praveen: sure

(i already singed it,so handed over)

Mgr: What do you know about Value labs

praveen: Frankly speaking nothing

Mgr:Could you tell me about your previous experience

praveen:certainly (i explained him about my work experience)

Mgr: why did you leave your previous organization?

praveen:unfortunately company was winded,so iam looking into options

Mgr:what do you think is the best quality in you

praveen:i think my selling capabilities 

mgr:tell me one quality which is needed to sell a product

praveen: initially we need to create a need in the customer and explain the benefits about our product

mgr:ok, do you empathise or sympathise with the customer 

praveen: empathising is more effective in procuring results rather than sympathising

mgr:where do you want to see yourself after 3 years

praveen:probably i manage my own call center with atleast 30-40 executives

mgr:which is important to you-success or money

praveen:to me,satisfaction is important because i believe that success comes through satisfaction


praveen:if iam satisfied with the work what iam doing,obviously iam going to deliver the best

mgr:if i dont give you a chance,what would you do

praveen:it is not important for me that whether i grabbed an opportunity to work with your organization or not.however i will gain experience of being faied once again

mgr:do you have any questions

praveen:not at this point of time,however iam curious to know about KPO process

mgr:it stands for knowledge process outsourcing and after hitting the floor you will be coming to know more about the process

praveen:thank you

mgr:please wait outside,dinesh(HR) will get back to you

Dinesh gave me a feedback that i was rejected,then i realised that we need to enhance my skills while answering with confidence and to be precise.

Though i lost the interview iam satisfied for successfully completing 4 rounds.

All the best people,and be confident when you for a interview.

College Name: Vjti
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user image Anonymous

posted on 11 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Finally I entered the room smiling weakly but the smiles on the faces of the panel emboldened me. As soon as they checked my university they told me that they had met my batch-mate before. They asked me "Do you know what we asked him?" I remembered one question based on Henderson and Hasselbalch equation. To my surprise and confusion they said –"We appreciate your honesty". Then they asked me whether my batch-mate had answered correctly and I vehemently said yes. They asked me to write the equation on the board. Then they asked me "What is the pH of 10 to the power -8 Molar HCL?" I replied "Sir, I really don't like chemistry." The professors had a hearty laugh and said to still give it a try. I looked back at the equation and I was confused as to how to do the same. I told them "I know it's not 8." The interviewer laughed and said "Well I'm glad you got that right, so why isn't it 8?" I said "Cause the total amount of H+ ions will include ions from HCL as well as water." So then he explained to me how I can write that in the equation and finally I was able to arrive at the answer. I was asked to sit back down. Then they asked me another question – "Is glycolysis an oxidative process?" I knew this was a very basic question but I wasn't sure of the answer and said "I don't know." So they asked me with "Which molecule does glycolysis start with?" "Glucose" "and where does it finally end?" "Pyruvate" "even further than that" "Carbon dioxide". They smiled and said "So glucose or CO2, which is more oxidized?" "CO2, so it's an oxidative process." Similarly most of the other questions asked to me were also from biochemistry, and I didn't know most of the answers but the professors guided me towards them. Throughout the interview everyone was smiling (including me) and even laughing at times. 

The same evening the results were displayed and to my surprise I was selected, so was my other batch-mate from my panel. My other batch-mate who had answered everything correctly was still not selected to my utter shock. 

In the second round the entire faculty was present (some 12 people). I was asked some questions based on bacterial growth curve and asked to solve equations based on it. This time I blatantly lied that I'm not good at maths but again I was able to arrive at the answer with their guidance. They asked me about my dissertation, and I only told them about those parts (plant tissue culture) which I knew nobody there was an expert on. The interview ended on an OK note and I just left feeling glad that I was done with my first interview. 

JNCASRThis was the place I was most keen on. Again it had 2 rounds and both were on the same day. There were 3 panels here as well each consisting of 3-4 PIs.

In my first interview I was asked questions related to molecular biology (my strong subject). The questions were based on basics such as – "Three most important reasons why DNA is the genetic material?" "You have two very large DNA samples, one linear and one circular, how will you differentiate without wasting the sample much?" "How can you detect proteins bound to DNA?" etc. It went well and I was feeling confidant. When the list came out I found out that I was selected. We were then asked to meet with all the faculties individually, visit the labs and then give our preferences.

The only preparation I did for the second round was to stop talking to everyone and play a game on my phone – I just wanted to make my mind blank before I went in so that it's fresh when I enter the interview room. Again all the faculty were assembled. I was asked my favorite subject but I answered "Sir go ahead and ask me questions, if I am not familiar with the subject I shall say so." The faculty and I myself were a little shocked by my response. To be honest I knew that if I mentioned any particular subject as my favorite and then was unable to answer a question from it, it would have a more negative impact. I was asked " What is RFP?" " Different techniques to study protein-protein interaction?" "Why is GFP is used so widely?" Then they asked me a question I got stuck at since it required conversion of Dalton to Grams. Again with A LOT of help I managed to reach the answer but one of the professor did mention that I will get only half the points for that answer. In the end I was also asked despite having a very good rank in GATE, why do I have only LS and not JRF and whether I will be giving net again. 

I left the place feeling slightly dejected because of the last few questions.
Tips: What I learnt from all of them was that interviewers don't want somebody who is very knowledgeable but rather a student who is able and willing to learn, has a positive outlook, problem solving capabilities and can fit into the institute.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 7 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Got a call from the HR, and she asked me to attend a general technical test at 5 pm, she called me by 4.50 pm. What an ideal calling time. 
As usual i reached by 6.30 pm, the technical test was simple and it had general aptitude, grammar, typing test and listening test. I scored well in all these ( Even a 10th standard guy would do these things). 
I was asked to come the next day to receive my offer letter and id card. I was informed to come to the office by 10.30 am , so that i can leave soon, because I have to join for work from the next day morning at 3 am. 
As usual the HR people delayed the process, i went at 10.30am, but general form filling, and Bank Application process, Certificate verification process ended by only 5 pm. And we were asked to take lunch only by 4.30 pm. 
After that we waited till 8.30 to get our ID cards. Then comes the news that in 5 hrs we have to go to velachery office. What are these people trying to do? 
Literally i dont know, because when i reached home it was 10 pm, and the cab guy started calling by 11.30 to get the whereabouts of my house. For 3 am shift I was picked up by 1.15 am and dropped at the office by 2.30 am. 
The HR's remark are to be noted here. "Just sleep for 2 hrs, and then get ready, the cab will pick you." Later "If you want to sleep, sleep while going in the cab, or sleep in the office. We dont care!!!"
The first day was a crap, bcos we spent sleeping in the office. The next day i quit saying bye bye to this job.
Tips: 1. These people are lazy, and never punctual. 
2. There is no respect for freshers, no matter what skills you have. 
3. The pay was a mere Rs. 8888, no night shift allowance for the next 2 months. 
4. the night shifts are cruel, morning 3am to afternoon 1 pm. What sort of a man will like this job?
5. With the salary of 8888, money spent on breakfast is 1500 per month, because you have no other option.

College Name: Vjti
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