Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

What if you can't knock at your Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 8 Jan 2025

9 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 21 Aug 2017

I was interviewed before Aug 2016.

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Questions where basic Aptitude and vocabulary. Basic knowledge would be enough to clear this round
Duration: 1 hour
Total Questions: 60

Round: Technical + HR Interview
Experience: All questions where basic hr questions for hr round like tell me about yourself, why I. T. ? how do you rate yourself etc?
Technicals round was more based on project done

College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Jun 2017

I was interviewed before Jun 2016.

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Aptitude
Experience: Questions were a bit unfamiliar one but was fun to deal with.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Interview was short & sweet , asked about my background and general confidence gaing conversations

College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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user image Anonymous

posted on 15 Sep 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: ....he asked me wat r my general interests....wn i mentioned reading...he asked me about authors i hv read....wn i mentioned cecilia ahern.he asked me from whr did i find about her......then he asked me about my java projct...wat ws my role in it....wat r my strengths n weakness'..he asked me hw do i plan 2 study for exams....dn he asked me if i wud lyk 2 relocate at mohali"

College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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user image Anonymous

posted on 15 Sep 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview

General Tips: They just check ur confidence during d interview..u just need to clear d apti.."
Around 200-250 people appeared fr d apti..they selected 98 fr d interview...n finally recruited 90 in total..
College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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user image Anonymous

posted on 13 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Then they gave topics for group discussion which was the 2nd round and would be held on the 2nd day .We prepared the topic ourself then on the 2nd day they made our group and in every group there were 10 candidates present. The GD round was also easy we have to speak on the given topic and there were 9 candidates selected in GD round.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was 17th of February 2010 when Infosys came to my college for campus selection. Everyone was well dressed up and prepared for one of the prestigious companies of our country. The whole proces was divided into three stages :-
1. An objective type question paper on English.
2. An objective type question paper on Logical reasoning.
3. A personal interview.
The objective type test had individual cut-offs. The English paper had ten questions on reading comprehension. Five questions on parajumbles. There were some questions on voabulary as well. The logical reasoning had some six-eight questions on sequence generation. Ten questions were scenario based. All in all the paper was average. 980 students appeared for the tests, forty five got cleared. I was among those lucky forty five. Then began the personal interview. The major chunk of questions came from the CV I prepared. Only 2-3 questions were from my final year project.

General Tips: After having joined the company, I have realized that there is no short cut to success. The rigrous training programme demands the best out of you. One has to clear a chain of tests, which last for4-5.5months depending on the stream you get into, to be a part of organization.
College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Personal Interview (only HR):I: (Knock the door) May I come in Sir?
Interviewer: Yes please. Have a seat.
I:Thank you Sir.
Interviewer:(Silence of 1 sec) May I have your resume?
I:Yeah, Of-course Sir. (Handed over the resume)
Interviewer:(Trying to get an overview of my resume)
So, Tell me about yourself?
I:I am Neeraj Dwivedi, completed my high school from ... (In between)
Interviewer:Tell me which is not mentioned in your resume.
I:I am basically from Kannauj, the city of cents.
Interviewer:Ohh, I heard this name before, For what it is famous?
I:It is famous for cents and Gattas(I was not knowing the English word for Gatta, still not).
Interviewer:What is this Gatta?
I:(With confidence)It is a little hard sweet having white color made by sugarcane.
Interviewer:Ohh. Why you are interviewing for Infosys?
I:Sir, It is a reputed and one of the best companies in India, and I believe this company can provide me a platform to enhance my knowledge and abilities. It will a pleasure to start my career with such respected organization.
Interviewer:How you prepare for this selection process.
I:Sir, when I came to know about this, then I started solving KS Agarwal, book for aptitude and reasoning questions. I have downloaded a lot of question from internet for practice. I have read a lot interviews of other Infosys aspirants.
Interviewer:So that book KS Agarwal helped you or not.
I:Yes Sir, A lot.
Interviewer:How you spent the time between the written result announcement and interview time? (It was a huge duration of 6 hrs.)
I:Sir frankly, I spent my time discussing with close friends about what can be asked from us in the interview when interviews has not started. We tried to take interviews of each other to practice. When interviews started, then we wait for the person went for interview, and after asked the questions from that person what are asked to him.
Interviewer:So, you get the questions?
Interviewer:What are they?
I:Some said, interviewer has asked him about his projects, some said about interest, about hobbies, about games, strengths, weaknesses and some times on common things like newspapers.
Interviewer:Oh, you are from CSE branch? Is it?
I:Yes sir.
Interviewer:Okk, then tell me the difference between blog and websites?
I:Sir, I do not know exactly but blog is the collection of personal views or articles, or you can content in blog is based on some particular topic, blogs containing poems or technical blog. But website represents an organization or complete person or complete business, in all aspects. 
Interviewer:Hmm, What is portal?
I:Similar to blog but not containing articles, can be related to a single objective like job portal, containing different job openings only.
Interviewer:That's great, nice talking to you Mr. Neeraj? If you want to ask anything please?
I:(Thinking something)May I get your feedback about how was the interview?
Interviewer:(Silence with Smile)
I:I just want to know how I have done, because it was my first interview?
Interviewer:I can not tell you anything, results will tell you in a better way.
I:Thank you sir.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 11 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was on May 22, 2008 I got selected as an Infosian. It was one of the most memorable experiences I ever experienced. The venue for the interview was Malla Reddy Engineering College, Maisammaguda, Medchal District. Almost the 2009 pass outs of all surrounding colleges attended the interview.
First we had presentation on Infosys training system, infrastructure in Mysore. After that we dispersed from there to write the written test.
We had general aptitude and verbal test in the morning. Results of the test were announced by afternoon. 
Immediately after results were announced according to each and every college people were sorted out and interviews were conducted, they started at about 3 pm. When it was my turn times was about 6pm in the evening.
As soon as they called my name I went into that panel. They asked Me to wait till the person before Me has completed his interview. Than finally my turn came I was called and I went inside....
I knocked the door and they asked Me to come in. I saw a lady as well as a man inside the panel. They asked Me to get in, after that I wished both of them and I was waiting for their permission to sit. Soon the HR asked Me to take my seat. And then it started like this
Interviewer :   Tell Me about yourselfMe :   I said my name and family details, my hobbies and all etc. etc.Interviewer :   what are your area of interestsMe :   I answeredInterviewer :   Any extracurricular activitiesMe :   answeredInterviewer :   How was the written testMe :   answeredInterviewer :   She asked Me to sign the answer sheetMe :   doneInterviewer :   She asked Me what was my most interesting subject?Me :   answeredInterviewer :   She asked Me a puzzle?Puzzle - I was struck in an island which contains full of dry grass all around, and the water surrounding the island contains full of sharks. From one side of the island there was fire and I have to save myself?
Me :   first I was dumbstruck(felt very nervous at that time)Interviewer :   she gave Me a clueMe :   I answered thanInterviewer :   She gave some kind of situation sin which I have to handle the situation, so what’s the solution I take out.Me :   well I answered and maybe she was impressed with that also.Interviewer :   She asked some other small puzzlesMe :   I answeredInterviewer :   ok Shobha nice meeting youMe :   I wished them and vacated the room.Throughout the conversation we have to maintain the proper eye contact.
This interview was purely HR oriented.
After that we had to wait around 2 hours for the result. And out of all they chose 45-50 students approximately. I was one among them.
This was memorable moment...
So guys you can also try out confidently.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 11 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I was little nervous and was eagerly waiting for my turn to come as I wanted to get out of this anxiety as soon as possible. After half an hour my name was announced and I was escorted by one Infosys official to one of the lecture halls where the interview was going on and he asked to me to sit outside until I am called inside. Waiting outside and praying to the almighty, I was preparing for my best. Making my formal dress proper every now and then and setting my hairs as they were too long. Finally, I was called inside. I took my credentials in the right hand and slowly opened the door and said, ‘May I come in, Sir’ with a little smile on my face. As he granted me permission, I went inside and saw that there was only one person inside who would take my interview. He was a man of about 45 wearing spectacles ad a long blue coat. He asked me to sit down. I took my seat. Then he took sheet of my application form and asked:
Sir: I have seen that email-address of the people reflect their personality. I think the same is in your case. Why have you chosen your email address as *****
Me: Sir, surfing net is one of my hobbies and whenever I do it, I do it with calm and relax mind. I enjoy surfing net and do not take any worries or tensions while doing it. That is why I have chosen it.
Then he gave me a sheet of paper to mark the attendance. I have to write my name, roll number and the time of interview there.
Sir: Please make your attendance on the sheet.
Everything was good but when it came to fill the time, I realized that I had forget to carry my watch. The second option was to take out my mobile phone from the pocket and see the time. I slowly took out the mobile from the pocket, but unfortunately I had switched it off before. I was helpless, but I applied a trick. The person who had given the interview before me had written the time as 5:45 pm. So, I made a guess that it would have been probably 5 minutes after his interview. So, I wrote 5:50 pm. As I handed over the sheet to him, he said that it is not 5:50 pm it is 6:05pm and he corrected that himself with his red pen. I apologized for that blunder. Then he asked for my resume. Looking into the resume questionnaire started again:

Sir: Your percentage has been going consistently down. You got 86% in 10th, 75% in 12th and 67.3% in engineering so far. What is the reason behind this?
Me: Sir, in case of matriculation and 12th we have confined syllabus and we have particular text books for the syllabus. We have to just stick to our text books for the final exams and get marks. But in case of engineering the concept is totally different. The syllabus is scattered and we have to search variety of books in order to get the complete syllabus. By all efforts we manage to find about 90% of the syllabus. Out of this 90% we are able to learn only 80% .Out of this 80% we are able to attempt only 70% in the exams and examiners are not so kind they will full marks. Out of these 70% we get 60% marks. 
Hearing to this explanation of mine he smiled a bit.
Then he looked into my extra-curricular activities where I had mentioned, I am currently working as editor in India’s top ranked educational site and acting as webmaster of 
Then he continued:

Sir: What is this India Study Channel about? What all you do in this site?

Me: I said it is basically an educational site helping students all over India. I am working on this site basically to improve my writing skills. I love writing articles and I post my articles on this site.

Sir: Tell me the most recent article which you have written in this site.

At that moment as if everything vanished from my mind. I was not able to recall even single article of mine. After putting pressure for about 15 seconds, finally I recalled it.

Me: Sir, the most recent article which I had posted is with title Why are we all excited to know our future?

Sir: What all have you written in this article?

Me: Sir, I have explained in this article that these days we can see many people call themselves fortune tellers and dupe ordinary men. People sitting by the road side guarantee to tell the future for just few bucks. Does this make any sense? Can a person predict your future for just few bucks and make your life better. If it is so, then why isn’t he able to make his future prosperous? ……..
Sir: What is your role as a webmaster in Himachalspider?
Me: Sir, it is right now in the developing stage. I am trying to make it popular by posting good content. My basic aim is to make the best site which can provide every information searched on Google related to Himachal.
Sir: That is all Mr. Rohit. You can leave now.
Me: Thank you very much sir. 
I left my seat and went outside. I internally felt that, I gave my best and it was good from my side. I was feeling very much confident then. 
After two hours of calculation process, the results were announced and I was among the selected candidates. It was really a moment of great ecstasy to me and all my selected fellow friends. I am a Infosian now.

College Name: Vjti
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