National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal

Warangal, Telangana

Your seniors at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 9 Jan 2025

41 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They asked general questions about electronics like power electronics,scada etc.They also touched basics in
communications and different modulation schemes.The interview is cool.Panel members are friendly.They will give you a hint in the end so that you come to know you are in.Results were declared as soon as the interviews are over.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Just one question.Tell me about your family background.

General Tips: Just brush up your basics..Be confident while answering...Dont dare to guess answers and never tell wrong
answers if you are not sure...Better do a project in 3-2 holidays...All the best
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It is based on my favorite subject 1) why k-maps 2)what is FT ? and why FT? 3)how will u obtain a DC voltage  from an AC source vice versa? 4) what is the role of electronics at powerplant? 5) do know the electronics used in automobiles? they asked me five questions on this topic... it was a light interview just you should have good basics in electronics that's all. Another question tell me an example what is the need of electronics at powerplant? i said i can improve the efficiency by detecting the vibrations of a turbine using peizoelectric sensor then they asked what is the principle of the sensor? Some questions based on my mini project and industrial training.I answered most of the questions.It was a light interview. they shortlisted based on cgpa...they have seen my prathibha award( I wrote in my resume) and I have impressed them by my hardwork to get it NITW(as I am telugu medium)..... and I have an edge because I have done IT on EMBEDDED SYSTEMS and MICROCONTROLLERS.
Tips: If you are perfect in basics you can get it easily.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: You are ramesh right? then tell me your family background.How did u get into this (NITW)? Why did you opt for telugu medium in your Intermediate(12th)? What is your aieee rank? Where are you from? Where is your school? How did you manage here(as I am a telugu medium student upto 12th) These are my HR questions.

General Tips: Light prepare well.Brush up your basics.Try to do one project other than industrial training.... keep cool during the interview and before... show enthusiasm!!! if you don't know the answer don't worry... they will test your confidence and you should convince them that you are a hardworker and you are going to do this job or you won't leave this company for at least 5 years.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Feb 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The question asked by the panel were mostly basic and general questions. They asked me question basically on my training.Both HR and technical interview were simultaneously. In HR they asked me about my family background and why did I choose NITW?They asked me why do I want to join NTPC when my field of interest is communications?This was my 1st interview and I was the last person to go to the interview.I thought that I was having a big disadvantage because my interview was last. But it was not like that. When the interview started they asked me the HR question to make me feel comfortable. After that I was quite confident. The interview was of 25 min.

General Tips: Be confident and never think about the consequences when you are going for an interview, just give your best.Study your training/project well and study one or two subjects of your interest.In the interview, don't speak out the topics or technical words about which you don't know much. Try to take the interview in the direction were you are more comfortable.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Feb 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There was no aptitude test and the candidates were shortlisted for the interview based on their c.g.p.a.During the technical interview they first asked me regarding the whole operation of a thermal power plant.Then they asked me questions related to microprocessor,particularly on interrupts and interfacing.They also asked some basic questions in networking.Finally,they asked me about my project details.It was a good learning experience.The NTPC selection panel members were friendly and so,I felt really comfortable during the interview.There was no separate HR round.At the beginning of the technical interview they had asked me to tell them about my family background and how I got into NIT Warangal

General Tips: Be strong with the basics since they ask only fundamental questions.The ECE students must have a good
knowledge of microprocessor.Prepare well beforehand how to answer the HR questions.Be smart and confident during the interview.
Skills: Microprocessor
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Questions asked were from basic electronics which encompassed DSP, Communication Systems, DSD, and Microprocessors
  • Q2. About power grids and power distribution
  • Q3. Few questions were from the final year project and they asked how I could apply that in a Power plant
  • Q4. Latest trends of development in communication fields and what is 3G, GPS, GSM and all
  • Q5. Tell me about your family background

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The Technical questions were from DSD,DSP,Communication Systems,Microprocessors. A few questions were from Project and training. HR round was of a single question and is mentioned below. A few questions were on latest developments in communication.
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The questions asked were from basic electronics which encompassed DSP, Communication Systems, DSD, and Microprocessors. A few questions were from the final year project and they asked how I could apply that in a Power plant. They asked about power grids and power distribution but I said that being a electronics student I do not have much knowledge of such power systems. Then questions were from latest trends of development in communication fields and what is 3G, GPS, GSM and all.It was a easy interview with highly placed and experienced persons. Although I was tensed at first while entering they asked me to feel comfortable and started with simple questions first which anybody can answer which helped me to build up some confidence. Later they carried on with some more technical questions and HR questions.Overall it was a nice experience to sit in front of a panel of seven highly placed officials and answering to their questions.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The HR person was asking the same question to almost everyone, that is "Tell me about your family background?".
But he was carefully observing the way you are speaking and your reactions.

General Tips: You need to be calm during the interview and do not get tensed, wish them after you enter and before you leave the room. Prepare the basics they were not asking much hard questions. Have a clear answer ready for the general HR questions. Prepare the topics of your project and training well and never utter a term which you do not know well they may catch that and grind you. Be confident on whatever you speak.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It was all fine.Interviewers joked in between and they were very jovial.No need to tense at all feel free and questions without any confusion.

General Tips: Brush up all your basics properly and mainly concentrate on steam power plant subjects and project..its better if you have project from ntpc
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Both HR and technical interview was combined. Asked my favorite subjects.The technical questions asked were as
follows.1.Explain Rankine cycle 2.Which cycle is used for power generation from gas?3.Efficiency of a Rankine cycle and how can you improve the efficiency of Rankine cycle. 4.Compare efficiencies of Rankine and Brayton cycle. 5. Explain the different classification of turbines.Since I told my favourite subject as vibration analysis they asked me questions from condition monitoring.6.What are methods of condition monitoring.7.Explain how conditionmonitoring is done using vibration analysis. 8. How do you measure amplitudes and frequencies of any vibrating element? 9.How do you separate different frequency components in vibration measurement?Interview was very easy.They didn't go much deep into the subject.They just asked basics. The interview panel were very friendly and very responsive too. They appreciated the way I answered. Since I did my training in a Nuclear Power Plant it was an added advantage. They got an impression that I knew about a power plant. They were kind enough to ask my favourite subject. I was able to prove them in every answer I gave in HR interview that I was interested in power plant. It's very important.

General Tips: I would advice you to identify your tastes and interests and accordingly sit for a company. There are lot of
opportunities. So decide which one suits you the most. While attending interviews try to prove yourself that you are really interested in that field. Prepare your resume well. While telling about your favorite subject tell a subject based on the company profile and don't just tell a single subject, tell two or three. Be thorough in your basic subjects. Present yourself neatly. Answer the HR questions carefully. They will look to trap you there. Finally don't worry much. Each interview is different and varies from person to person and this is just an example. WISH YOU ALL THE BEST.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They asked question related to my training which I did in CENTRAL ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY (CEA).They asked
about green house effect,emission control of carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and other harmful gases.They also asked about boiler efficiency,loss of energy in boiler and combine cycle power plant.Though I was bit nervous about my interview, but the panel member were very friendly. they told me not to get nervous be cool.there I answer some of the question. Also I did not answer some question.
Tips: So don't get panic if you do not answer some of the question.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They only asked about my family background.

General Tips: Prepare some of your interesting topic in which you are interested. I was interested in thermodynamics ,heat transfer, fluid mechanics. So I prepared in these topic as well as my industrial training. My suggestion to all of you is that don't get panic if you do not answer some of the question.Please try to be cool and finally best of luck for your placement.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Questions from power plant engineering viz. details of rankine cycle and few other questions
  • Q2. In crude they asked the most basic things of whatever topic they choose
  • Q3. Questions from thermodynamics and heat transfer
  • Q4. Family background

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Only few basic questions were asked.They asked many questions from power plant engineering viz. details of
rankine cycle and few other questions. Thermodynamics and heat transfer was some other important topics.In crude they asked the most basic things of whatever topic they choose. They give much stress on the training done by students and to few students they asked maximum questions from training.NTPC interview was the easiest interview i faced. They made us comfortable to talk in either Hindi or English.In fact they cracked few jokes as well in front of students to make them feel comfortable. For me NTPC interview was less tense than any of the lab viva

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They asked just about family background to everyone. They did not ask anything other in HR.To few they ask about
there academic background as about there 10th and 12th.

General Tips: If you are sort listed on cgpa basis then interview will be the only way to selection.They will ask just basics of whatever they ask.In fact they can ask anything,but surely will ask basics. No need to panic before interview as the mood of interview will be lightest.Training should be prepared well especially those who have done there training in NTPC. WISHING EVERYONE ALL THE BEST.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Your maximum capacity to lift a weight may be 50kgs.If you were asked to lift a 500kg weight how will you do it?
  • Q2. Can cast iron be welded?
  • Q3. Types of welding which you perform in your lab;difference between brazing and soldering
  • Q4. Principle of working of a generator
  • Q5. What happens when the generator coil is kept stationary and the magnets are made to move? What happens in the reverse case..i.e; magnets kept stationary and more
  • Q6. Which one of the above is an efficient process of electricity generation and why?
  • Q7. Principle of working of a transformer, Why do we use a transformer?
  • Q8. What happens to the power when the voltage is stepped up and stepped down?
  • Q9. Most efficient and least efficient components in a thermal power plant, what are their values?
  • Q10. What is approximately the efficiency of a thermal power plant? Why do we obtain such a low value of efficiency?
  • Q11. Second law of Thermodynamics.Energy losses in a Thermal power plant
  • Q12. What is the pH value of boiler feed water? What happens if the water is acidic?
  • Q13. Suppose you have shortage of condenser cooling water, as an engineer what is your solution to this problem?
  • Q14. Generally why don't we employ air as a cooling medium?
  • Q15. Mode of heat transfer in a condenser?
  • Q16. Name a few Hydraulic turbines
  • Q17. What is the difference between Hydraulic turbines and Gas turbines?
  • Q18. From which place are you?
  • Q19. Tell me about your parents, your journey to NIT Warangal
  • Q20. Why did you choose Mechanical Engineering?
  • Q21. Are you ready to work in a Hydel power plant?
  • Q22. What is the role of NTPC in the KG Gas Basin controversy?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: We were shortlisted on the basis of our cgpa. There was only technical interview in which a few HR questions were
asked.My interview lasted nearly 40 minutes.(Don't worry!!!. generally it lasts 15-20 minutes.)The panel consisted of 6 members.They were all very friendly and made me feel comfortable through out the interview.First they started
asking general HR questions and then slowly started asking technical questions.As I've done my Industrial Training in a Power plant, I was very confident while answering the questions.I didn't know that I was in the interview room for such a long time but I felt like it was 10 minutes.It was only when my friends told me, that I came to know about it.(Now one imagine how amicable they were).I answered to most of their questions and I was satisfied about the interview and was confident of my selection.

General Tips: Prepare well the basics in thermodynamics,heat transfer, various power cycles (Rankine, Carnot, Brayton cycles).Be strong at least in one area of your interest. Wish the panel members as you enter the room and thank them before leaving the room. Be confident while answering and don't hesitate to tell direct (of course a humble) "I don't know" or "I don't remember it properly" whenever you don't know something.
Prepare well,be cool and confident,do your best and the rest follows.........ALL THE BEST!!
Skill Tips: Learn about various power cycles (Rankine, Carnot,Brayton cycles)
Skills: Thermodynamics, Heat transfer, ,
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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