National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal

Warangal, Telangana

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National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 9 Jan 2025

6 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 26 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were 15 questions each in c and ds and the last section had 10 questions.Questions in the apti were not very tough but required basics.lot.In the fourth section they asked about the CPU scheduling algorithms,belady's anomaly and stuff.After the written test,they selected 18 people.Then after one round of interview,they eliminated 10 For the rest 8 in the second round there were either 2 or 3 interviews.All 3 of us who got selected had 3 interviews in the 2nd round,out of which one was hr.
Tips: Be thorough with the concept of pointers,they ask a lot about them,like malloc,free etc.2Let us C by yashwant kanitkar will help you a lot
Duration: 60 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: In the first round,they took a technical interview.They asked me about linked list and trees.They asked sorting and
asked me to show the steps of insertion sort by taking an example.In trees they asked me to print the path of a
node from root and also the reverse path i.e from the node to the root.There were questions on linked list
reversal,finding the depth of tree(I said using recursion we can do,then he asked me to do it without recursion)..He
asked a lot of questions on stack and queue implementation.I can't remember now.Then he asked me about
OOP,inheritance,polymormishm,virtual functions.He also asked me a bit of java as I had done both my projects on
java.He also asked OS,memory management,paging,segmentation,difference between #def and inline functions
and stuff like that.Basically the interview wasn't very tough.He was then asking me about my hobbies.He even
cracked a pj.What state is Bay of Bengal in? (Liquid state)Asked some questions on politics asIi said I am
interested in politics.He was very cool.In the second round,they gave a problem statement and asked me to
develop an algorithm and test it for various inputs.He gave a lot of time for the question.The question was that you
will be given an integer and you have to print it in words,like 1234 will be one thousand two hunderd thirty four.He
basically wanted to see my approach.He did not ask to write the code but asked about the details,like the data
structure used and all.In the third round he asked me the approach of the above question malloc,free concepts Asked about fork exec,orphan child.He asked a lot of questions on that.It went well.He was satisfied with it.After this they took the hr interview.
Tips: Keep your basics very good in malloc.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR interview was pretty lite.She asked me normal HR questions.

General Tips: Just be confident in interviews.All the panel members in the technical interview tried to confuse me a lot but be confident and stick to your answer if you are right.Overall it was a very nice experience,a very long day (8 in the morning to midnight)
All the best guys! See you at NetApp
Skills: C, Data structures, OS
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
Funny Moments: What state is Bay of Bengal in? (Liquid state)
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 26 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The first 3 sections were pretty easy. C section had output questions mainly on pointers,memory allocation etc. The
last section had questions from automata,networks, OS,TOC. I found this section quite tough
Duration: 60- minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There were 3 rounds of technical interviews. The first technical round was mainly on DS, OS and C. Most OS
questions were from memory management and how you'd implement it. DS had pretty easy questions on trees.
For the 2nd round, they gave a problem and asked us to write an algorithm for it. Later they asked us to write all
possible code paths and test cases. During the 3rd round , I was asked OOPS concepts, virtual functions, scheduling and again some DS questions.The 3 technical rounds were pretty easy and were mostly on DS and OS.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: My HR interview was really short.

General Tips: Concentrate on your basics in DS and OS. DS questions are mostly on simple topics like trees, hashing, sorting etc(hardly anything on graphs). Concentrate on OS especially memory management, process scheduling etc. For the written tests, go through a few C questions esp on pointers, memory allocation . Finally relax and don't put too much pressure on yourself
Skills: DS, OS, C
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 26 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were basically four parts :[Quantitative,C programming,Data Structures and algorithms,Systems].Each section has 10 or more multiple choice questions.There was negative marking for each wrong answer, also there was cutoff for each section.Quantitative section has elementary math question(CAT type).C programming section has o/p and error type question.Data Structures contains tree traversal and order complexity question.whereas systems part has question from all the subjects like compilers(Regular Expression and DFA),communication system,networking,Computer Organization.I was good in C and Data Structures,so frankly speaking the aptitude test was not very tough except for the system's part.Actually aptitude paper was conducted by the forum called "CareerNet ".
Duration: 60 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I had two technical interviews, first one was for the elimination[Initially 18 people were shortlisted out of which 10 were eliminated].In the first round they asked me basic questions on C and Operating System. because I applied for
QA(Testing)They asked me to write the test cases for the function which reverse's a floating point number.Second Interview was all about OS,asked me about memory, paging,virtual memory,log files and other stuff...he also asked me to write a code for something which I don't remember but i think it was very easy otherwise I would have
remembered it.Also some question were based on my internship at IBM.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I had two HR round.One was HR + Technical..whereas other one was completely HR.In the first HR they asked
to write the test cases for the projector before buying(In other words test whether it is working fine or not).Some
questions on Networking as in how many layers are there,use of each layer,difference between UDP & TCP and
HR questions like what if i m not happy with my manager?? What would you do if you need holidays and your companies doesn't allow you one??Second HR was not very different for the first...they asked whether i will be having any problems if relocated to some other place.Future plans,Questions on family background,about my preparation for AIEEE,queries regarding the PPT.
It was a long day,started early morning and went till midnight.They had two profile Developer's and Quality
Assurance.I had applied for QA.After giving the aptitude test I thought I had cracked it.My first interview didn't go
that well but luckilyIi managed to get into the second round.Second interview was good i answered all the questions
nicely. Before sitting for NetApp I had given Adobe's interview so this time i was more confident while facing the HR this time.

General Tips: Study basics of DS,OS and C properly.Otherwise you will be in a lot of trouble during campus placement.Solve as many puzzles and DS question from various sites possible(like Orkut and WU puzzles) before sitting for the interview (as this will provide different ways of how to approach a question).Practice quant and logical reasoning question well as these takes lot of time in solving. Also try to solve Test Your Skills in C it will help a lot.Do revise your project and internship work before the placements because they may ask question on that.Do not bluff if u don't know the answer just say i don't know.Also don't disclose any plans of further studies. The main hurdle in campus placement is to pass the aptitude test, because during interviews many things depends on luck. So,just work hard and hope for the best.If you don't get selected in one company, don't get nervous there will another great company waiting for you.
Skills: DS, OS, C
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
Motivation: NetApp is a great company and I was lucky enough to get it.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 14 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were four sections 
1. Quantitative involving maths .
2. Give the output type c questions .
3. Data structures n classes etc .
4. Basic system knowledge .
Duration: 180 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There were 2 technical interviews in the first interview the interviewer asked me my subjects and asked me varied questions on all the subjects i ever studies and some questions on scripting also. in the second interview i was asked some puzzles and loads of questions on intricate knowledge of data structures and c , c++.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR was a cakewalk the interviewer just asked me why they should recruit me and other such questions and we had a discussion on combat planes etc.

General Tips: Be thorough with c, c++ data structures and general aptitude. practise loads of papers on the above topics. yashwanth kanithkar is a good book :)
Skills: C, C++, DS
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 14 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It consisted of quant & technical sections of which the first one was on number theory and some calculations. the later was composed of 3 subsections:C,DS,systems. in C section some codes were given and asked the output mostly they were recursive ,pointers, malloc stuff. in DS stacks,binary trees,sorting & searching,graphs(DFS,MST) it was fundoo. The last section was on compilers, CAO,OS which was tough.totally the test was of good quality & I thought I couldnt crack it.
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: First Round: 
1.write a c function for strstr? 
2.what are the phases of compilation? 
3.what happens when we read from a NULL pointer? 
4.some stuff on segmentation 
5.explain system stack? 
6.he gave me a recursive function and asked the output
Second round: 
1.write the nonrecursive version of inorder traversal of a binary tree?what are the pros and cons? 
2.what is an ISR 
3.explain CSMA/CD protocol? would you program for memory fragmentation?and improvements on it in terms of time & space do u find a cycle in a singly linked list?what are the best & worst case complexities in terms of the lengths of linear and the circular portion & when do they occur(this is the difficult portion of it) 
6.write c code for counting the number of bits set in a number & improvements on its time complexity? 
7.what is TCP/UDP ? explain the differences & their aplications? 
8.a 5*5 square is divided into 25 equal squares and are shuffled.write a c program to rearrange them to get the original square?
9.6 men on one side of a river how to transfer them to the other side in minimum possible time? many tries r required to find the floor in a 100 storied building with 2 eggs?

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 1.Tell me a question which I should ask you(how generous!) 
2.why should we hire you (this is the answer of first
question!!) do u cope up with your team? 
4.Are you confident of getting into Net App 
5.Will you be disappointed if u r not selected(???!!!!!!) 
6.would you relocate to Bangalore if u get into the company? 
do u have any queries? 
1.what would be my position in your company hierarchy? would you evaluate my performance?

General Tips: Regardless of which company you are aiming for,C,DS,OS are a must .you have to be very strong as these are the basics for a CSE student and there are some companies which ask only algorithms and others cover all the CSE subjects.Coming to the interviews stay cool & think aloud so that if u misunderstood the problem ,he will help u out. All the best c u in NetApp
Skills: OS
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 14 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The total time for written test was 90 mins. There was no as such time for aptitude and technical. It had four sections as mentioned below. Aptitude:It Consisted of 15 general aptitude questions. It is part of every aptitude test.So be prepared and don't neglect it as it forms a valuable part of your selection process. C / C++ : It contained 15 questions on C/C++ basics. There were mostly debugging questions and questions checking your programming fundamentals. Data Structures and Algorithms:This section constituted 20 questions checking your basics in Data Structures and Algorithms.The question were simple and anyone who is comfortable with DS can answer them. System Engineering: The section had 10 questions based on operating systems, Networking and Systems Programming.This section was a little tough. The questions were basic but it required a thorough study of the subjects.
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There were two rounds of technical interview. There were elimination after the first technical interview. During the first technical interview, the interviewer started with asking OS questions and a couple of algorithms. The last part in the written test did not went well for me. So he kept on asking questions related to OS although I told my favourite subject as DS. The second interview was more of a alround testing of the candidate. The questions were asked from every subject that I had from second year to the final year. just the basic questions related to Networking, Databases and Software Engineering

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The HR interview is all about presenting yourself as a confident and passionate person. They ask for your hobbies and interests and like to see how deeply you are involved in thing which you do. So make a hobby or develop interests and be sure that you know every thing regarding that. They will ask about your future plans. So be calm and pass the question casually and don't reveal your plans .

General Tips: There is only one thing to say. Select any two subjects as your strong ones preferably Operating systems and Data Structures. The knowledge of Databases is also needed. You can crack any interview in Software. Practice aptitude and don't neglect it otherwise you will not get the opportunity to show your skills. Be passionate about whatever you do. Improve your problem solving skills which comes by solving more and more problems. And above all work hard. ALL THE BEST for your future.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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