National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur

Durgapur, West Bengal

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Tata Motors

National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 3 Jan 2025

3 interviews found

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was like nothing I had expected. the Apti and maths part was doable. You need a weeks preparation to get a good speed through these type of questions. The tech questions were completely fundamental. I am a EE grad. Questions from analog, circuits, very basic EMT was there. Even a few question from Power plant engg and gears.
Tips: Its a waste of time predicting the scope of the test. It has nothing to do with the company profile,or your forte. They can ask you anything engg related. You need to have the right mind, a reasoning skill to think it through. Even if its beyond your scope or know-how...calm down...think basic,fundamental of the subject,you would crack it :)
Duration: 2 hours minutes
Total Questions: 60+65

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: We were a mixed group. Metallurgy,Mechanical,Electrical. It was a 10 people panel discussion. Three interviewers watched over. And yes,it was a bloodbath! It was a mixed batch so nobody was ready to compromise. I tried to raise my voice say my point. Keep it short and unique and catchy! They said it was the worst gd of the day. and still selected 5 of us for the next round!
Tips: They wanna see leadership skills, out of the box thinking and fluency! You need to be a good english speaker. There isnt a by-lane for that,you have to be fluent. A tip--> Make your point and then call out the one who is not speaking and give him/her a chance to speak. That shows leadership and teamwork capabilities. If its too much chaos, try to bring order! That looks better than creating anarchy! Oh and dont fight to conclude! They give each of you a minute to conclude your idea and place it in a proper unhindered way! DONT BE RUDE!! BE POITE! BE LOUD, BUT VERY VERY POLITE!!  Say,may I please have the chance to add to this discussion,I have something relevant to say in this that. Scream things like that,they dont look like you are quarreling!
Duration: 20mins minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They asked me to draw a four point and a three point starter. Questions on dc motors,power system, instrumentation, control system. I answered each of them. Right or wrong I dint waste time,so that they ask me the next question!
Tips: Dont waste time hesitating. Admit you are weak in that field and move on to the nxt question. More questions asked=more chance of you proving your worth! be confident about what you are saying,. Dont be a yes man and accept whatevr the interviewer tells you.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Are you flexible to relocate? What is your plan for the next 5 years? I showed them that I want to be in TML sincerely and work my way up the ladder.
Tips: Do not brag about higher studies! Show some sincerity. And in about yourself...focus on how your strengths would benifit the company. For weakness show things that are actually good traits,overzealous,workaholic..etc. Things that arent detrimental.

General Tips: Dress well. Not for the interviewer. But for yourself. You would be confident. Be very thorough about your summer training/internship. 50% questions come from there. Eat,sleep,dont stress! And again,confidence is the key! Confidence that will come only when you have your bases covered.
Skill Tips: Keep calm. Work on your room presence! Dont be nervous. Be confident. Think that you are an asset!
Gate preparation, class notes.
Guess work! A good guess is a result of a good knowledge.
Skills: Technical skills--thinking up circuits for any appliance, guess work, Speaking skills, Vocational training acquired skills, convincing skills
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Motivation: Tata Brand is a semi-psu! It offers job security and is a great place to learn and start your career!
Funny Moments: I made the diagram of a 3 point starter after I last made it in 2nd year. And I made it right! :P In about myself I blurted out, I love to dance! :P Nerve does that! But its ok! The panel would understand.
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user image Abhinaba Mukherjee

posted on 3 Apr 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test was conducted via In aptitude section, quantitative, logical reasoning and verbal ability were three subsections and questions were more or less easy.In technical section, standard sets of questions ranging from machine design, thermal engineering to industrial engineering, almost all topics under mechanical engg., were included. Level of difficulty was medium.
Tips: For aptitude, basic +2 knowledge coupled with some practice to increase speed is essential.For technical, a general overview of all the topics studied in earlier semesters under mechanical engineering including mathematics is needed.
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 90

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Topic was nice and arguments on both fronts could be presented. An example is that in core engg. sector, although there is a minimal presence of women (which is a reflection of the fact that very few girls opt mech/ee/civil etc streams), the IT or Software sector doesn't face similar problems and upto certain level can boast of being equally harbouring geniuses from both genders alike.
Tips: Be calm and try not to get into a fight with any member of the group. Always remember, this is a discussion and not a debate. Keep your points brief and salient and present them with confidence. Forget about the interviewers and make yourself comfortable. If you are unable to fathom the topic or come up with solid points at the spur of moment, take time and keep notes of others' arguments. Best of luck!
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: My first question was "Tell me about yourself", which was the only HR question I was asked. So, I'm mentioning it in the technical portion itself. I calmly gave an answer which was semi-prepared and semi-modified at that moment.
In technical portion, most questions being from automobile engg, it was advantageous for me since its my favourite portion from mech. engg. All the questions were fundamental and doesn't need deeper knowledge of the topics.
Tips: In a technical interview, knowledge and knowledge alone can help you. So, prepare the topics according to the company's job profile. No need to dig deeper into any special topic unless if you have spare time. Present your answers with a confident smile and clearly mention if you don't know answer to any question.

General Tips: As already mentioned, be confident yet humble. Humility gains you respect and respect gains you points in case your interview goes awry. At the end of the day, it finally comes down to the nature of the interviewer and how much you can make him feel your worth in his market. Sale yourself properly and even under utter absence of technical knowledge you can bag a job.
Skill Tips: Speed and accuracy comes from practice and practice alone.Confidence comes from experience and over dominance over the subjects.
Skills: Speed , Confidence, Accuracy
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Motivation: I have always wanted to join an automobile company and Tata Motors is one of the forerunner in the automobile sector globally. The association of Tata name is enough to motivate me to join this marvel of a company.
Funny Moments: When I was asked "Tell me about yourself". I cracked a joke in the middle of my answer saying "I am a training and placement representative of my college and I interact with students and company people on a frequent note and try to get my friends as many jobs as possible and right now I am doing the same by mentioning this fact to you ". They smiled heartily and I went on adding "Hopefully this way, I shall help myself bag the job at the end of the day". At the end of the day, I did get the job!!  (*Chuckles")
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Interview Questions

user image Ankit kumar verma

posted on 30 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The questions were easy in all three sections. But you must practice Aptitude and general maths because they carry more than half of the marks.
Tips: You can use any book for Aptitude and General Maths. I prefer NTSE class Xth book.For Technical part, just refer to your textbooks or your Gate book.Remember, the questions are easy but you need practice to solve them quickly.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Overall experience was good. GD topics are loosely based on current trends so reading newspapers will help you a lot.
Tips: Be confident.Don't interrupt anyone while he is speaking. Don't argue.
AND do read Editorial page of newspapers.It helps a lot.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The level of technical questions was very high. They asked questions mostly from Production Engineering.
Tips: If you don't know the answer just tell them frankly that you don't know. Don't give them wrong answer. 
You might want to read your textbooks before entering interview room.And again BE CONFIDENT.

General Tips: Confidence is the key. Don't take your sem exams lightly. Instead of just rote learning try to grasp the concepts taught. It might not help you in getting good GPA but it will definitely help you in interview room.
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Motivation: Tata Motors is best company for any mechanical engineering fresher.
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