National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE)

Mumbai, Maharashtra

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National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) Placement Interview Questions

Updated 8 Jan 2024

56 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Mar 2023

I applied via Campus Placement

3 Interview Rounds


HR Round (3 Questions)


HR Round (3 Questions)

  • Q1. Resume based round. First Question was to introduce and talk about my experience.
  • Q2. The interviewer asked about my ERP experience in the procurement domain.
  • Q3. He also gave me a situation where there were several suppliers with different attributes and I had to formulae a methodology to select the best supplier.

Case Study Round

The client had a Saloon shop and wanted to buy a new equipment worth 8 Lakhs and wanted a Bank loan, but then he did not have a great credit history. So, Bank insisted that he had to return the money in 2 years and only in that terms, the loan would be sanctioned. What should the client do?
[Please note that I stands for Interviewer and C stands for Candidate]

C: Should we help the client decide whether to take the loan or help in planning his payback?

I: The client has no other means and has to take this loan, you have to help with the pay back.

C: First we should consider the cost side, how to reduce the cost associated.

I: The costs cannot be reduced from the current situation.

C: I will consider the revenue side.

I: Okay.

C: Asked about the number of customers, revenue per customer, number of employees and average time required per haircut.

I. There are 5 employees and average time per customer is 30 minutes Revenue per customer is 200 and the fill rate is 7/hour.

C: will the new equipment reduce the time per customer.

I: No.

C: Why does he want the equipment then?

I. To provide smoother experience, he believes in upgrading the shop regularly to provide better services.

C: We need to look at the ways to increase the fill rate?

I: How?

C: Advertisements, notices.

I: That would increase the cost significantly and the client doesn’t want to increase the cost in any case.

I was not able to think of anything else from here, but the interviewer helped me. He asked me to consider case where customer leave the shop due to waiting.

C: How much hours do they work?

I: 9 Am – 5PM, 1-hour lunch break.

C: All of them go for the lunch break together? If so, the 7 people coming in that hour might be leaving due to the over waiting hours.

I: Yes, that is an issue. What do you propose?

C: 3 people should be working during the lunch break, and they can go right after the first 2 comes back.

I: Good.

C: They can also consider increasing the working hours. But that would increase the cost, but I believe the increase in revenue would be high because the customer fill rate will increase after 5PM, especially on working days.

I: Thank You. That’s all.

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Preparations:

1. Cases & Guesstimates - I was not expecting any consulting shortlists except for technology profiles. Hence my preparations for consulting interviews was very limited. I did spend some time on Case in Point in the last few days once the shortlists came out.

2. Resume: for consulting interviews, you have to be crystal clear with your resume. I was well prepared in this area.

What went wrong?

I could not structure the case, mainly due to lack in preparation. I did it based on whatever I heard from other people preparing. One point I got stuck in the case, and the interviewer had to give me the direction


1. Do not wait till you get the calls to start preparing for the cases. Calls are random and be prepared always.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Mar 2023

I applied via Campus Placement

3 Interview Rounds


HR Round (4 Questions)


Case Study Round

First Question was to introduce and talk about my experience.
I introduced and in my experience, I talked about project and asked about the interviewer. He said he was from IIM B, so I talked about doing my engineering from Bangalore and how I found Bangalore a wonderful place to live in.

The interviewer then gave me a case to solve.

The case was: The client is a company in the good living space like NDTV good times space. They are facing a lot of issues in profit. Their profits have been decreasing in the past 2 years and need us to help.
[Please note that I stands for Interviewer and C stands for Candidate]

Interviewer: Tell me how will you go about the case.

C: So, our client is a TV channel which deal in shows like travelling and cooking shows and are facing issue in profit, their profit is decreasing from the past 2 years. Is there any objective other than this?

I: No

C: Can I have 2 minutes to think about it and draw a proper structure for my solution.

I: Certainly.

C: As this is a profit problem faced by our client I will use E(P=R-C) M. I told him that as we are growing with around 7.5 % GDP and a lot of youth travel the economy of such a sector is in good shape.

I: Yes, go on.

C: I would like to know about the market. Is the declining profit issue faced only by us or also by competitors also?

I: Competitors are not facing such an issue.

C: Okay, so this is our client’s problem. I would now go into the parenthesis and find the sources of revenue and potential cost.

As I had no idea about how a typical show is produced and what are the costs involved, I told the interviewer upfront that I will try to come up with some revenue and cost drivers as I had no idea about TV industry. He said OK.

Revenue: Advertisement and any package that is being sold in collaboration with travel agency.

I: Good, but you are missing one more revenue stream.

C: Is it the amount they earn from TV channels.

I: Yes.

C: Then I asked about individual revenue streams, he told me everything is either stagnant or increasing.

So, the problem lies in the cost part. I will go towards the cost. I listed down some of the cost streams as below:

1) Actors
2) Directors
3) Rent of the set (Including lighting and clothes)
4) Administration charges (Including logistics)

I: Good, these are the important cost heads, but our client has outsourced production to another agency.

C: Okay, so how is agency charging us, per episode or is it for a defined number of episode.

I: Per episode.

C: Can you provide me last 3 year numbers.

I: I don’t want you to go into numbers, just concentrate on the issue.

C: Then asked if the agency increased the price.

I: Yes, they have increased their fees considerably and that is the issue for the lower profit. He then asked me to give some recommendation on how to solve this issue.

C: We can go for a long-term relationship with the agency. We can try to negotiate better.

If the show is not a new show, then we can change the agency all together. I told him some more points which I don’t remember. He seemed satisfied and said that would be all. I asked him what should I do to improve my case solving ability. He answered there is nothing to improve you at this moment.

Suggestion: Consulting firms looks for people who can come up with Suggestion/Recommendations to solve the case. So, while practicing cases practice providing suggestions too.


HR Round (2 Questions)

  • Q1. She talked about my CV points, how college is treating me, different things I have done in the past 3 months during the college, some normal HR questions. more
  • Q2. Then she said let’s play some numbers. I thought it would be some puzzle, but it turned out to be a case. The case problem: Our client is a manufacturer who more

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Preparations:

1. Cases & Guesstimates -completed case in point and IIM A casebook from scratch, skipped M&A cases as I think it’s too broad to be discussed in any interview which visit our college.

2. Resume: Miss a single point here and you are out of interview. Treat the CV as a holy book and prepare for each single word you write in your CV.

What went wrong?

What went wrong was my inability to give a valid recommendation for exiting the market as per my opinion.


1. Do not wait till you get the calls to start preparing for the cases. Calls are random and be prepared always.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Mar 2023

I applied via Campus Placement

3 Interview Rounds


HR Round (5 Questions)

  • Q1. Walk me through your CV.
  • Q2. Why Consulting and why the firm.
  • Q3. Asked a few questions from my Work Ex. Points mentioned in the CV.
  • Q4. Then he asked me to do a zero-based costing for a pen.
  • Q5. The interview went for around 30-40 mins. (Be prepared to ask a relevant question to the interviewer at end of the interview.)

Case Study Round

Walk me through your CV.
I introduced and in my experience, I focused on the Work Ex. Achievements, then academic achievements and then my interests. Interviewer asked me about my hobby (that is travelling).

Case: The client is a Bicycle company selling cycles of all ranges pan India. The CEO had a thought of venturing into motorcycle business. He approaches us with his thought and wants to know whether they should enter him into motorcycle business.

We had a discussion for around 30 mins on this case.

Next was a guestimate to find number of black/ white boards available in Mumbai. Time given for this was 10 mins.

Next, the interviewer asked if I had any questions for him. I asked a question regarding the automobile projects in consultancy.

The interview went for around 50-60 minutes.

After this he guided me for the director interview.


Case Study Round

Telephonic interview with the Director.

Walk me through the CV.

What is GST? Tell me about the Tax structure change? What will be its implications on the Automobile Industry?

Are you following any current Business news. What is happening in the Indian Telecom Industry? Reliance Jio and other providers.

Case Interview: Client is a mobile company. Wants to enter smart phone market in India. Should they launch a smart phone. How would you do the market sizing for the same.

After that director asked if I had any questions for him. I asked him a question regarding GST.

This interview went for around 45 minutes.

HR Interview:

Next I had a 5-min interview with HR and then she informed me that I was selected.

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Preparations:

Cases & Guesstimates - Saw online videos of Case interviews. Studied the framework structure of different types of cases like profitability, revenues, new product launches, new market entry, pricing, M&A.

Practiced a few Case interviews with friends.

Resume: for consulting interviews, you have to be crystal clear with your resume. I was well prepared in this area.


1. Do not wait till you get the calls to start preparing for the cases. Calls are random and be prepared always.

2. Prior practice of case interviews and guestimates is important. Consulting culture fit questions are always asked.

3. Be prepared for why consulting and why this company with relevant examples from your work.

4. Be ready to tell something interesting about yourself in the interview. This is very important.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 10 Mar 2023

I applied via Campus Placement

3 Interview Rounds


Guesstimates Round (6 Questions)

  • Q1. I was invited into the room and asked to take a seat. There was a single interviewer, a Sr. Consultant. The following questions were asked there after: Tell me more
  • Q2. Some questions regarding work ex and CV points.
  • Q3. Why consulting?
  • Q4. Since I mentioned that I am passionate about football, he asked a couple of questions regarding that.
  • Q5. Guestimate: Estimate the number of MRI scanners in India.
  • Q6. Finally, I was asked if I had any questions for the interviewer.

Case Study Round

This is one of the most important round of the selection process as most of the candidates get filtered here.

The interview started on an informal note, the interviewers asked me about myself, hobbies etc. I had mentioned that I am a Chelsea supporter, there was a discussion on the football match the previous weekend.

Case Statement: Company XYZ is an electronic retail chain, with many outlets across the country. In the recent times, the profitability has decreased. Suggest steps for improvement.
[Please note that I stands for Interviewer and C stands for Candidate]

I: What is the essence of the case in one line.

C: Increasing profitability for the chain.

I: What are the different aspects that you would like to consider?

C: (Like any normal case, I broke it down into Profit= Revenue – Costs) Mentioned points like whether there is a decrease in Revenue or increase in cost.

Is it a market wide phenomenon or only specific to the chain. Have the customer requirements changed?

(Basically, majority of the points that are mentioned in Victor Cheng’s videos).

I: Answered my questions. (This was not used in the case as such, just to check if the interviewee was thinking in a structured manner).

The chain has decided to start an offer wherein they plan to sell 20 TV’s at a discount, they think that they can attract customers to the store and push them to a higher valued TV, with higher profitability. How many TV’s must they sell so that they are profitable?

C: Did some basic mathematics and answered their questions.

I: We have noticed that if we decrease the price of the TV’s by 5,000, we lose 1 customer. Develop a mathematical equation, keeping the previous question in mind, to find the number of TV’s that need to be sold to remain profitable.

C: Used some basic mathematics and came up with a formula.

I: The chain would like to close some stores and move to an online platform. How many TV’s should they sell to ensure they maintain the same profitability, keeping in mind the discounts applied on the ecommerce portal.

C: Again, developed a mathematical formula to answer the question.

I: Should they move to an online platform? Will there be a decrease?

C: Spoke about push marketing, how they might lose sales as a person who comes to buy a TV might also buy a home theatre system.

I: Some stores are making lower profits than the others, if we close these stores, how much more money should the others make to compensate for the decrease in profitability.

C: (They had provided me some numbers) Basic mathematics was used to answer the questions.

I: Thanks, it was a pleasure to meet you, any questions?

C: Asked about how you manage through the Strategy and Operations.


Other Round (4 Questions)

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Preparations:


a) YouTube videos of Victor Cheng were a great starting point as it provided a holistic methodology on how to approach different cases.

b) IIM A Casebook, Case in point were effective sources for solving cases. The idea is to read the case statement and jot down the different the various parameters that you would like to discover. Validate them against what has already been provided in the book.

Guesstimates: There was no official source of doing guesstimates. We sat in groups and gave each other a statement to solve. We took up a few points from our CV and tried to create a problem statement based on them.

CV and HR questions: These are also an important part of the preparation as these can make a vital difference in all the interview rounds, specifically the 3rd round. The HR questions sheet provided to us covered all the HR questions that could be asked as well as all their variations.

What went wrong?

I can’t point a finger on any one factor that went wrong, most probably, I faltered somewhere in the CV answers.


Ensure that you give equal importance to the HR questions and CV points.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 9 Mar 2023

I applied via Campus Placement

4 Interview Rounds


HR Round (3 Questions)


Case Study Round

(Duration – 25 mins)

Asked about the day, how’s it going and then asked to introduce.

Gave basic introduction, work experience and interests. Stopped by saying about my interest in football and that I am a Manchester united fan – The interviewer knew a lot about football and this resulted in the following case “Manchester United’s profits down from last year. What is going on?”
[Please note that I stands for Interviewer and C stands for Candidate]

C: Can I have 2 mins to structure my thoughts.

I: Yes.

(I followed the basic profit loss framework.)

C: I would like to consider revenue side first. How has been the trend in revenue. Has it gone down from previous year.

I: Yes.

(He gave me a few numbers.)

C: Listed all the revenue streams for a club, as a big supporter this was fairly easy for me. Once I listed all I asked the interviewer for the trend in revenue for all these streams. He gave me the trend. There was a drop in the Sponsorship revenue.

I think here is the issue. I want to dig further to see why exactly the problem arose. And listed few reasons that could be causing the issue. The main reason could be because some deals might have expired and the club might not have been able to get equally good deals.

I: Yes, that’s the issue, the main kit sponsorship ended this year and the club was not able to strike a good deal. What could be the reasons?

C: Explained about the poor performance of the team in recent years, not playing Champions league football, No Asian players (Most of the United supporters are in Asia).

I: Good, how can we improve the situation?

C: United need to perform much better, and suggested some points – new players, academy revamp, more tours in Asia to keep the fan base. I looked into the cost side as well, but there wasn’t anything noticeable hence concluded the case.

He further asked about my work experience and if any questions for him – I asked about the career progressions, if it’s merit based and so on.


Case Study Round

(Duration – 30 mins)

Asked to introduce, Couple of questions from CV, Why Consulting, why would the firm suit you?
Answered all. Talked about my previous consulting experience, why I found it challenging and focused on the work culture in the firm.

A food preservative industry in loss despite increasing its market share.
Profit and loss frame work, checked the revenue side to find why market share has increased. Looked at all the trends – the clients and competitors and found out overall market size has reduced but our market has remained the same.

The reason was that the client has kept the price as same, but competitors increased the price. Looked at the cost side to gain more insight – asked for different trends for cost streams – found out that the supplier has increased the cost because they had spent money on R&D too develop a new ingredient eliminating most of the health concerns.

This change was not communicated properly to the customers, who were not willing to pay higher prices, forcing the client to keep the price constant despite increase in the cost.

Interviewer asked for a few suggestions: Discussed about effectively marketing the product based on the improvements and health factor, targeted marketing, increasing price, releasing as a new product to change any perceptions, changing suppliers in worst case. Explained in details the circumstances where these steps must be taken.

She was satisfied.


Other Round (1 Question)

  • Q1. (Duration – 5 mins) Casual discussion on Kerala, Work experience and a challenging project.

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Preparations:

Prep Methodology: As I expected shortlists only from consulting firms, my preparation was majorly focused on cases. Practiced few cases from casing point and IIM A casebook. Random Guesstimates and some based on my resume points (interests – e.g. football- the number of footballs sold in India annually).

Thorough with the CV, expanding every single point – This is extremely important if you have a relevant work experience.

Study resources: Case in Point & IIM A casebook – for Practice cases, Victor Cheng Videos for frameworks.

What Went Right?

The case about my favorite football team helped me in second round. Being thorough with the profile also helped me in most of the rounds.


1. Be thorough with your CV, especially if you have a relevant work experience. In that case, most of the time will go with a project or two from the experience.

2. For consulting interviews, make sure that you mention your interests because the guesstimates and cases might be based on it and it would make your case/guesstimates much easier.

3. Practice some guesstimates based on the interests and Work experience domain (e.g. If experience is in oil and gas sector, “Volume of petrol consumed per day in your home city?”).

4. Never keep your preparations to the last week. You will not get time.

5. Make sure you have a good answer for why consulting/supply chain and why the company. This was asked in all the interview. Try to connect the same to your background.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 10 Mar 2023

I applied via Campus Placement

2 Interview Rounds


HR Round (5 Questions)


Case Study Round

Was asked to introduce and asked about my work experience.

The client produces and sells industrial valves and hoses mainly used in petroleum, petrochemical industries – four industries were mentioned. And they had four main products. They were a dominant player in Northern America. But they are trying to expand to Asian countries especially India and China. Client has come to us for advice.
[Please note that I stands for Interviewer and C stands for Candidate]

The interviewer read out the case to me. I took some notes and summarized. Stated the objective and asked if anything more needs to be explored.

I: What are the risks associated with expanding to these markets.

C: Can I concentrate on India?

I: Compare between India and China

(I compared the political and economic situations of both the countries. And, mentioned the technological and political risks. They did not seem satisfied.)

I: You missed a major factor.

(I couldn’t think of anything else.)

I: What all are the factors you would consider before deciding whether to expand to India.

C: The current demand for such products – total market size, level of competition and market shares, financial situation of the company, laws & regulations, economic situation etc.

I: What do you think the demand for any one of the product will be.

I selected one of the products and estimated the demand – This was a guesstimate and did well. The problem I faced here is that there was no structure to my case and at a certain point in time, I was all over the place. The discussion continued for further 5-10 mins where I tried to compare the Company, competition and customers to reach a conclusion.

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Preparations:

Prep Methodology: As I expected shortlists mainly from consulting firms, my preparation was majorly focused on cases. Practiced few cases from casing point and IIM A casebook. Random Guesstimates and some based on my resume points (interests – e.g. football- the number of footballs sold in India annually). Thorough with the CV, expanding every single point – This is extremely important if you have a relevant work experience.

Study resources: Case in Point & IIM A casebook – for Practice cases, Victor Cheng Videos for frameworks.

What went wrong?

I couldn’t structure the case properly and my lack of preparation with cases that had numbers associated with worked against my favor. There were many questions asked by the panel during the case which gave the impression that I was not driving the case.


1. Be thorough with your CV, especially if you have a relevant work experience. In that case, most of the time will go with a project or two from the experience.

2. For consulting interviews, make sure that you mention your interests because the guesstimates and cases might be based on it and it would make your case/guesstimates much easier. Practice some guesstimates based on the interests and Work experience domain (e.g. If experience is in oil and gas sector, “Volume of petrol consumed per day in your home city?”).

3. Never keep your preparations to the last week. You will not get time.

4. Make sure you have a good answer for why consulting/ supply chain and why the company. This was asked in all the interview. Try to connect the same to your background.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 12 Mar 2023

I applied via Campus Placement

4 Interview Rounds


HR Round (2 Questions)

  • Q1. It started with the basic introduction, and then the interviewer asked me a few questions on my CV points and some questions on inventory management & more
  • Q2. Case - Client is an ice cream manufacturer and is facing stockouts and delays. How will you help them manage their finished goods inventory? Round 1 - 25 more

Case Study Round

An Investment bank wants to automate some of its processes, what are the factors you will look at, and provide your recommendation whether they should proceed or not.

(This case is very similar to case - “To Automate or Not” from Darden Case Book 2018-2019).

(25 minutes)
Stated the qualitative factors (tried to be as MECE as possible), and was provided with data (no. of employees, revenue, total cost, people which will get fired etc.) to do the cost benefit analysis.


Other Round (1 Question)

  • Q1. In this round I was asked about the projects I did during my work ex at ZS. Interviewer deep dived into many of my CV points to understand about my work. Then more

Other Round (1 Question)

  • Q1. This was the final round where interviewer focused to assess the cultural fit of the candidate. I was asked questions around my goals and objectives in life more

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Preparation:

My preparation was divided into 3 parts :-

1. Solving Guesstimates - I started my preparation by focusing on solving guesstimates from different sources (Quora, LinkedIn & different case books).

I used to solve at least 2 guesstimates daily and tried to solve the same problem through different approaches (Ex. demand side, supply side, top-down, bottom-up, area approach etc.), This really helped me to get a good command over guesstimates.

2. Case Study Prep: For case studies, I started with Case in Point and watched YouTube videos of Victor Cheng to get familiar with different types of cases and frameworks. After this, I started solving cases from different case books with my friends in Interviewee/Interviewer mode. Simulating the interviews helped me in providing confidence to deliver my thoughts in the real interview. Candidates should try solving at least 15-20 mock case interviews in this mode.

3. CV Backup & HR questions: Prepared a thorough CV backup and HR questions like why consulting, why Deloitte etc.

What went right?

In the initial minutes of my interview, I was able to understand that the interviewers were more focused on the structure of the attempt. I was able to reflect that both in my communication and on paper and therefore was one of the main reasons I was able to do well in the interview.


1) Be Positive and Be Yourself during interviews.

2) Prepare well for CV Backup & HR Questions. Interviewers want to see a clarity in your answers for why consulting and why this particular firm.

3) Solve as many guesstimates and cases as possible. While stating factors during case interviews make sure to keep your answers as MECE.

4) Be calm & confident during your case interviews also try to make it as conversation rather than a formal interview.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 9 Mar 2023

I applied via Campus Placement

2 Interview Rounds


Case Study Round

First was CV based shortlist. Though, the criteria are not much clear, but consistency (in a positive way) in academics, and having a core background/work ex improves your chances of getting shortlisted.

It was a case interview which lasted for 30 minutes. The interview panel consisted of only one person. The first question was ‘tell me about yourself’. Later he jumped to my work-ex. I explained my responsibilities for a couple of minutes. But he again asked me to explain more. So, I continued for 2-3 minutes more. Then he asked me about my hobbies. He also showed interest in Placement Grid, a YouTube venture which I started in 2012.

He then asked me why consulting. This initial part was to more of a behavioral interview and he wanted me to be comfortable.

Then he started the case. The case was a profit/Loss case. There was no data involved. It discussed about a bicycle manufacturer in US whose profits are declining. This was the problem statement. He wanted me to identify the core issue and give some recommendations.
I took off a minute to formulate the framework. I started with some questions about the industry and how it is doing, new competitors in the market, the company’s market share, and the products it manufactures.

He answered all the questions. I segmented the product into three different categories- kids, teen and racing/tourer/sport. After probing into each segment, the teen segment was seeing a decline. I did a profit break up for this segment. And it turned out that fixed cost has increased, causing the decline in profits.

He then asked me to come up with some recommendations to offset the increased cost. He wanted me to think and give him multiple options to increase profits, either to decrease costs or increase revenues.

After this case, he asked me whether I have any question. I asked him about the knowledge transfer among teams.


HR Round (5 Questions)

  • Q1. Round two was more of an HR round. It also went for 30 minutes. There was no case as such. Again, the interview panel had one interviewer. She started off by more
  • Q2. Her second question was about how my stay at NITIE has been till now.
  • Q3. Then she asked me to explain the latest nestle fiasco with financials. She also discussed the cost involved in the whole episode and how it will harm nestle. more
  • Q4. Then she asked me whether I have any query.
  • Q5. While I was leaving, she asked me to describe myself in one word.

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Preparations:

• I started off with the basic HR questions. The ones shared by the Placement committee helped a lot. So give ample amount of time to them. These HR questions were generic.

• To prepare for consulting, I started with Case in Point. It starts not with the frameworks but the nitty gritty of consulting as a career. So it will help you prepare answers of questions like

• Why Consulting, which is one of the most probable interview questions.

• For cases, I first went through case in point. But it becomes confusing owing to a large number of frameworks. Victor Cheng’s videos on YouTube solves this problem. Also, google ‘victor cheng framework pdf’ for a soft copy of his frameworks.

• Once, after getting some idea of frameworks, I applied them on cases given in IIM-A case book and Darden case let. You can try case books from other colleges also. The case books are easily available with seniors/Placement committee.

• For guesstimates, I went through generic examples in the book ‘ace your case’. Also, you can google guestimate examples to know different approaches.

• Another important way to solve guesstimates is to make a group of 3-4 and solve random questions. E.g.: number of red cars in Mumbai, number of taxis in any city (Mumbai), length of roads in Mumbai.

• Remember, it is the approach to a guesstimate that matters, not the solution.

What Went Right?

Presence of Mind. Thorough preparation of HR questions, especially – tell me about yourself and why consulting. Be cool and keep a smiling face, but not overdo it.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 11 Mar 2023

I applied via Campus Placement

3 Interview Rounds


Guesstimates Round (4 Questions)

  • Q1. We started with my CV and I went ahead with mostly the details of my work experience I had prepared earlier which were in most accordance with my consulting more
  • Q2. Later we discussed two guesstimates, both on interests. Count the number of potholes on the roads of your hometown
  • Q3. Count the number of viewers of your favorite 20-year-old movie.
  • Q4. He asked me if I had a question, and I did, to which he gave a complete description.

Other Round (2 Questions)

  • Q1. This round started with the Sr. Managers asking for a fresh introduction which would not bore them.
  • Q2. Case - Insurance companies running losses.

Other Round (1 Question)

  • Q1. This round started around 9 am and went on for about 15-20 minutes. This was with the partner who was very jovial and cheered up. We discussed about my more

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Preparations:

I divided the preparation into three segments:

HR questions: The questions shared by the senior with 64 probable questions and their best answers were a great pointer in preparing the HR background for me.

CV details: Like everyone else, I made sure to have a backup story or details for all the points of my CV. A story always helps in linking the pointers with real experiences and achievements with a humane connection.

Case Interview preparation and Guesstimates: I did read the books like IIMA Case Interview Manual, AT Kearney Case Interview Manual, Case in Point and a few others, but only for first couple of cases; basically to understand how case interviews function and how questions are to be pursued. Cases are never same, so mugging up the framework doesn’t help. I tried to understand the origins of framework to devise on as the cases appeared. I also practiced a couple of cases and guesstimates with fellow shortlisted candidate.


a) Case discussed in our panel was of a medical equipment manufacturer who wanted to scale its business in BRIC nations. Data was given for China and India and we had to find the most feasible strategy for entering which market and why.

b) Case discussed in another panel was about an auto manufacturer’s largest supplier facing issues pertaining to closure which could impact the company very heavily from short run. Don’t have much detail on it though.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 10 Mar 2023

I applied via Campus Placement

2 Interview Rounds


HR Round (4 Questions)


Case Study Round

Round started with interviewers introducing themselves followed by the question tell me about yourself. Next, there were a couple of CV Questions. After that, they straight away went to case.

A valve manufacturing company (safety valve) used primarily in Oil and Gas sector, a leader in North America wants to expand its presence in India. There were two questions:

1. What factors should it consider?
2. Estimate the size of Indian market.
3. Using the previous calculations, estimate the size of other safety devises as well.
[Please note that I stands for Interviewer and C stands for Candidate]

Not a very detailed case but relating to my mechanical back ground and work experience in core sector, I could relate it very well to the situation at hand. It was a case of market expansion.

C: I first summarized the case & then asked if there are any secondary objectives that we need to achieve.

I: No

C: I would understand the economy of the country first. Looking at the present scenario, India looks to me as the only bright spot in this gloomy global economic scenario. Other factors that I would take into considerations are macroeconomic stability recent government’s reforms like GST legislation, ease of doing business rankings improvement, government stability, Pro business approach. Etc.

I: Looked satisfied and said other things apart from Economy

C: Then I would consider the industry, the factors being:
• Performance of industry (trends),
• Market structure and number of players (both domestic and international if any) in the market and their market share,
• Ease of entry and exit,
• Public sector and private sector (public sector generally have a preference of MOUs with some government PSUs or MSMEs for purchasing while private sector is more focused on cost).

I: I want you to figure it out my market size. Tell me the way to do it.

C: There would be two major segments: existing industries and expansion of the existing ones. Existing would already have these safety devises in place, so my preferred area would be upcoming plants. But there would be continuous requirement of valves even in the existing ones because of the life of a valve -It’s a safety feature and needs to be replaced at certain places based on the hours of its use or duration of its installation, whichever being earlier. To this the interviewer smiled and said You seems to know a lot!

I: Lets now look at new plants. How would u do a market sizing for me?

C: (After analyzing the situation at hand) I would do some market research to find out the ratio of the price of these devices to the overall cost of the machinery. Different industries have different levels of safety consciousness and have according levels of quality of safety spares used. This ratio would help me to estimate the size of the expanding industry based on their investment value.

I: That’s good. Provided me with the amount of investment of companies. And the ratio.

C: Figured it out and said the size.

I: Using this. Find out the size of other products in my portfolio, and decide what should be my priority. A table was presented with the ratio and the investment value of different sectors.

C: Figured it out based on calculation and decided on the priority based on market size.

I: CAGR of 3 industries were given (investment value), Now would your answer be the same?

C: Simple percentage calculation to arrive at the values.

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Preparations:

1. Cases & Guesstimates – I would suggest to start with Victor Cheng videos on YouTube to get an essence of consulting interviews. After the basic stuff, step on to case in point to develop mind-set for various frameworks. Don’t stick to the given frameworks rather build upon that with your creativity. Have a strategic and valid thinking before jumping on to any conclusion.

2. Resume: For consulting interviews (Round 1), you have to be crystal clear with your resume especially work experience and projects. Second most important thing is your interests and hobbies which may land you solving a guesstimate based on that.

3. Personal Hygiene and Professionalism: Your looks and code of conduct may not benefit you any additional points but insufficiency of the same will definitely deduct some points. It is important for a consultant to look professional and behave accordingly.

What went wrong?

I went wrong with the listening part of the case. Be prepared and sleep well a day before to be mentally present. Also, took some time to do basic calculations (as I was too conscious). If I could have engaged them more in the interview, that would have been better.


Do not wait till you get the calls to start preparing for the cases. Calls are random and be prepared always. In interview, be confident and take your time to tackle situations one by one.
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