Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur

Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Your seniors at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 27 Dec 2024

12 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 26 Jun 2017

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Duration: 20 minutes

College Name: IIT Kanpur
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Standard Pribability questions and puzzles.E.g Decide the 3 fastest horses among 25 given that 5 can race at a time.Derive the heat transfer equation.etc

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: Basic internship (finance) questions.Puzzles : If I can descend 1 or 2 steps a time what are the number of ways to descend a flight of 100 stairs.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Why Cs?

College Name: IIT Kanpur
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 25 Aug 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The process started on 30th night with the GD for Credit Suisse. It was in groups of 8, duration 10 mins, the topics were common knowledge like entrepreneurship in India, FDI etc and though knowing and reading current news would be an advantage, but nevertheless you can do good with good presence of mind. My group’s topic was entrepreneurship in India and I knew nothing about it. Initially I was worried that I would not have anything to speak. But during the course of the discussion, lots of ideas kept coming to me as people started speaking randomly on the topic. Though I could speak only 2-3 times in the discussion but I made sure that I had substantive points and that I was clearly stating them. I think that was what got me through it.

Round: Puzzle interview
Experience: In their 1st, they asked the same beginning questions on resume, spent some time on my intern work moving on to 2 puzzles and then end. It was short and went really well according to me. Therefore, probably, I was directly forwarded for a 2nd round.

Experience: This was a bit more technical one and seeing my intern and background in economics, they asked me questions on financial markets, current policies etc. I tried to answer some but was blank for a couple of questions as I had not prepared at all for finance.

College Name: IIT Kanpur
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 23 Aug 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: interview
Experience: I had my interview scheduled at 11 am but I got a call from the volunteer at 9am for the interview. When I reached there, they had already selected 3 students and 1 other had his 3rd or 4th round going on. I was called in and after some questions on my resume and 2-3 small puzzles it was over. Then they told me that I had no more rounds. So my interview with CS was just a formality and I didn’t care because I anyway didn’t want to join it.
Tips: If you are really targeting CS, try to schedule your interview earlier by talking to the volunteer (interviews start from 6 am) or go to the interview spot as early as possible and request them to take yours earlier. This would show your interest in their company and also you’ll have a better chance (than I had) if you are good.

College Name: IIT Kanpur
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 26 Apr 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I had no background in finance but still I was selected for Credit Suisse as I had a strong resume

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: There was a Group Discussion on the night before the placement for shortlisted candidates. GD went well as I did not haste into my chance and spoke in a calm manner with well thought out points. Some of us in GD were not letting others to speak. I was careful not to do that and after GD, I was pretty much confident that I would be shortlisted

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: My first interview was with an alum who first told me that I had performed very well in my GD and then asked me a puzzle. I had done a similar puzzle before so I was able to answer that. It was followed by some questions on my resume  especially my internship which also I was able to answer well. Then one more puzzle which I had not solved so I took some time to solve it following which he gave me one more puzzle which I had solved instantly

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: In the first round itself, I was asked to sell a crumpled piece of paper innovatively as I had been the Marketing Head in Antaragni. I guess I was able to do that really well. I remember I took some time and then came up with an innovative idea that the paper was made up of some special material that could be used to laminate phones if heated to a certain temperature with a machine I was providing with the paper. Also, I told him that the laminated cover would glow into various shades if titled to specific degrees after evening. This amused him and then he told me that I would be called for second round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: My second round was with a senior member in the company who asked me a lot on my resume, stay in campus, post of election officer and some very tricky questions on all of these which I think I did really well as all those were really unexpected. He asked me a question on probability which I remembered I had discussed with my friends just 2 days before. I explained that question quite well and he seemed quite impressed with that. I was followed by some more puzzles and questions on general topics of finance which he had already told me that he had not expected me to answer them as I had no background in finance. Then the HR came in and asked me to meet the VP for the final round of interview.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The third round of interview was carried on by the VP where he asked no more puzzles or questions but it was more of a discussion on all possible fields starting from campus life to politics of UP to recruitment of Sachin and the good performance of Kohli in recent matches. It looked more as if he wanted to know my perspective on various topics. He also asked about my internships and also the reasons why I wanted to join Credit Suisse. He made sure that I was not planning on doing a MBA right away and that I was really interested in joining Credit Suisse. He then told me a lot about the bank sector and as to why I should join Credit Suisse. He then asked me to wait and went to the director. He came back after a while and asked me to interview with the director

Round: HR Interview
Experience: the fourth round was with the Director who began by commenting on how cold Kanpur was that day. Then he told me that he had a sore throat so he wouldn't say much just that they wanted to hire me and did not want me to interview with any other firm.

General Tips: I would suggest you to plan your preparation well in advance and be clear in your mind about the sectors that you are sitting in placements for. Being realistic about the companies that you are targeting is very necessary and then preparing for the placements keeping those companies in mind keeps you really focused. I did not prepare for core companies so cannot really say much about them but as far as the non-core sector is concerned I would suggest that you start working on your resume from summers itself as it does not consume a lot of time and get it review by as many people as you can. Also start preparing quants in the initial week of your semester. For puzzles, if you like solving them, you can really spend time brainstorming them, it does help improve analytical skills. For case studies it is good to practice in groups of 3 with one being the interviewer, one being the interviewee, and the other being the observer. Try to solve as many different cases as possible. For HR questions it is recommended that you write down the important points that you would like to incorporate in your answer and keep that in mind when you are answering questions. Be well prepared on your resume, you should be able to speak about it for at least 1 minute. Also keep in touch with the seniors in the companies that you are targeting.
College Name: IIT KANPUR
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user image Anonymous

posted on 12 Feb 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Tips: Attend Mock GDs if you're not so confident of speaking in public.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: This interview was mostly based on resume based questions.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There were actually 2 HR rounds, where they were trying to judge how well the candidate would fir in their company.

General Tips: Don't cave into peer pressure. Do what you really want, even if it's not the most sought after.
Skills: Puzzle solving
College Name: IIT KANPUR
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user image Anonymous

posted on 30 Jan 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Puzzle Interview
Tips: Prepare for questions on your resume, puzzles and a couple of HR questions.

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: A few resume based questions were asked too.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They tried to judge how well the candidate would fit in with their company.

General Tips: Focus on the few companies that you want to get into, and prepare well for them. 
Do not give way to peer influence. Do what you want to, even if it is not the most sought after.
College Name: IIT KANPUR
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user image Anonymous

posted on 25 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: My strong resume aided in getting shortlisted for Credit Suisse.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The GD went well as I did not haste into my chance and was calm throughout.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: The interview was with an alumni who told me that my GD performance was good, and asked me a puzzle. It was followed by some questions on my resume, mainly my internship.
Another puzzle followed, which I took some time to solve. I was able to solve the next one instantly,
Then I was asked to sell a crumbled piece of paper innovatively.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: This round was with a senior member in the company who asked about my resume, stay in campus, post of election officer and some tricky questions, which I answered well. A question on probability was asked. A few more puzzles followed, along with some questions on finance. He also mentioned that he did not expect me to answer these as I had no background in finance. But i was able to answer them.
I was then asked to leave and HR was called inside. I also had an interview with Diamond. The HR came to me and told me that they were interested in and asked me to stall my interview with diamond for a while.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was with VP and continued for 45 minutes with no puzzles, finances or cases. It was more of a discussion on all fields ranging from campus life to UP politics to Sachin's retirement, etc.
I was asked about my internship experience and the reason i wanted to join their company .

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was with the Director, who said that he had a sore throat and hence would not say much. he said that they wanted to hire me and that I do not interview with any other firm. I was more than glad! I was the first person to bag an offer in the placement season.

College Name: IIT KANPUR
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user image Anonymous

posted on 24 Jan 2015

7 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Why finance? Why not core? (they grilled me for 20 minutes)
  • Q2. There is a closed room with 3 bulbs and there are three switches outside. You can toggle any two switches once without looking inside the room and map the more
  • Q3. What is the crappiest thing on your resume?
  • Q4. Entertain us for two minutes without asking any questions. (I told them about some funny incidents on the campus)
  • Q5. Which IITian do you admire the most and why?
  • Q6. They then crushed an A4 sheet and asked me to sell it to them?
  • Q7. Tell me about the eurozone crisis?
  • Q8. What do you know about the Libor Scam?
  • Q9. What are derivatives?
  • Q10. Some simple questions on options
  • Q11. Why Finance? Why not join a casino? (I had mentioned that I find it challenging and stimulating)
  • Q12. Lots of questions on the fiscal cliff
  • Q13. What in your opinion would be the repercussions if the fiscal cliff was not avoided, both in US and in the global economy. Will India be affected and why?
  • Q14. What is Prime Services?
  • Q15. What is QE? Why is it used?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: They didn't had any aptitude test, only resume based short-listing.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: There were 10-15 students. There was 3 mins thinking time and 10 minutes discussion time. After the discussion each student was asked to conclude the GD and express his/her viewpoint.
Tips: 1. Jot down your point during the three minutes. 
2. During the GD make sure that you express your opinion coherently. 
3. Also make short notes during the GD which will be helpful in concluding it. 
4. While concluding the GD, ensure that you cover all the points discussed during the GD (notes will be helpful here) and in the end express your own stand.
Duration: 10-15 minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was a HR + Puzzle round. Panel was of Some junior management and the duration was of 30-40 minutes. By the end of this round, they were quite impressed and sent me for the second interview immediately.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: This round was based on Current Affairs and Finance and lasted for 20 minutes. And, I asked them a few questions about CS and job cutting etc. After this interview they had mentioned that they were quite positive on me and that I had to just interview with one more senior manager. This really boosted my confidence.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: It was also based on finance and current affairs. Panel consisted of the Senior most employee who had come for recruitment. After this round I was informally offered the job.

General Tips: 1. Even when you are unable to answer questions, don’t get bogged down or disheartened remain calm. DB quite often takes stress interview. Just keep your cool and smile while answering questions. 
2. If you do not know any answer, there is no harm is admitting that.
3. Be confident. Know your resume inside out. 
4. Practice a few HR interviews before the actual one. 
5. Also, communication skills in English are very important.
Skills: Probability and Statistics, Basic Finance, Puzzles, Newspaper and current affairs, Major events in the financial world over the past 5-6 years
College Name: IIT KANPUR
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user image Anonymous

posted on 23 Jan 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Introduce yourself?
  • Q2. Intern-based questions
  • Q3. Draw the payoff curves of a Call Option and Put Option
  • Q4. Simple questions on arbitrage opportunities in Futures and Options
  • Q5. If there was a hole of dimension x on a beach, how much sand does it contain?
  • Q6. If there were 5 people sitting in a room and each thinks of some number, how could they find the average without telling each other the explicit numbers?
  • Q7. Find the expected number of coin tosses to get 3 consecutive heads?
  • Q8. Estimate the number of street lamps in Kanpur?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The company followed a resume based shortlisting and as far as I remember, the criteria they followed was to shortlist everybody with a CPI of > 8.5 . Also, they had shortlisted some candidates based on any background in finance (intern/projects). Many Maths and Economics students were shortlisted for this reason. (This was their first time in IIT Kanpur. So, I won’t be surprised if they vary their shortlisting methods).

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: 1. There were 14 people in total and 5 were selected from my group.
2. Evident from the number 14, the size of the discussion was too huge. It was going too haywire and some really good ELS people were a part of the discussion.
3. The only reason I got selected was maybe because I was the only person who was stating points in favor of Capital Punishment whereas everyone else was against it or maybe because of my resume.
(A thing to point out is that there were only 2 GDs and many people were stuck in some other companies. So, later many shortlisted people (who missed the GD) approached the Credit Suisse HR with the resumes, and were allowed to appear for the interviews.)
Duration: 10 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 1. Panel was of 2 Senior managers from Prime Services, Mumbai and lasted for 25 minutes.
2. It was my first proper finance interview of the day, and was a bit nervous. Entered the room, was greeted by 2 young people who introduced themselves and started with ‘Is Kanpur always so cold ? ’. They made me comfortable by asking about the campus and stuff, and then asked me to introduce myself.
3. At the end of the description, I was asked about Antaragni, how big it is and where it stands next to Moodi (they were IITB alums you see).
4. Then they asked me to describe my work at Morgan Stanley in detail. The good thing was that one of them was from Credits (deals with credit instruments – CDS, Bonds), which was exactly my group in MS. So, I could easily get into the technicalities of my paper, and they really seemed impressed and asked more and more.
5. This went on for around 15 minutes. After this one saw one of them whispering in the other person’s ear (and I understood that they are strongly in for me ).
6. I was asked which companies I was interviewing with and what my preference was, and I seemed to convince them about my interest in Credit Suisse citing it was the second company I was interviewing with in the day :P.
7. Finally they asked me if I have any knowledge in finance, which was an obvious yes, they asked me to draw the payoff curves of a Call Option and Put Option (which was cakewalk for anybody who has read the first few chapters of Hull).
8. I was then asked a few simple questions on arbitrage opportunities in Futures and Options, which I successfully answered.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 1. The panel was of 1 Manager from London office, 1 equities lady and 1 Head from Mumbai and lasted for 45 minutes.
2. Before entering, the HR seemed pissed off with me because I told them earlier that I would be back around 9.30 A.M. Citing several lame excuses like the companies did not let me go and pleading guilty, I entered the room.
3. Was greeted by three people who sat far apart, and they asked me to introduce myself. I started, was confused whom to look at (remember they were far apart :p), and started about myself.
4. They asked me about my internship at Morgan Stanley, was asked about my paper, but they didn’t want me to get into technical details.
5. After a brief description, suddenly the person from London started firing puzzles at me.
6. Then the lady asked me to estimate the number of street lamps in Kanpur. I started with the road length and some other statistics of Kanpur and classifies the roads based on : highways/main roads/lane roads and dusty roads, and assumed street lamps at different intervals for all of them, and then satisfactorily came to a result.
7. They guided me all through, whenever I asked them if this assumption was right or not. Then when I thought the interview had ended, the London guy through a peace of folded paper at me and told that I was a marketing person, and was supposed to sell this to them. (I thought where had I landed into :P ) .
8. I started off telling that the paper was special and had no creases on them, in-spite of how much you fold them. I was asked to think of something more innovative, and then I told them that the paper could be recycled over and over again and it was something that a pulp manufacturing company in U.S. had patented, and I had brought it specially for them.
9. After a bit more persuasions, this seemed conclusive and they moved on.
10. I was then asked to make a choice between Credit Suisse and DB then and there. (They somehow had come to know that I already had an offer from DB ).
11. I tried convincing them on why I wanted to join Credit Suisse, making an emphasis on their campus ppt, which was easily the best after the Goldman Sachs one. The discussion went on into different aspects from why I chose IITK over IITB and then if I had an offer from the top 5 Wall Street Banks, which one would I choose.

General Tips: I have watched this year’s placement process very closely and would like to point out a few things to the readers, which are very important.
1. Be Realistic : This is perhaps one of the most important factors in the placements. I have seen so many people expect so much from them and when they don’t get shortlisted somewhere, it’s the end of the world for them. You must understand that there are certain limitations on you because of your CV till date (however intellectual or Bakait you might me). The key to this is be realistic, like Being a person from MME or BSBE, its actually difficult for you to crack a quant firm like Goldman/Morgan because of your curriculum here (however good you might be at Algos or Maths), the good thing is to accept it. Not having tremendous peaks in your resume will in not place you among the 20 shortlisted in BCG for instance. So, on a very serious note, everyone knows inside out what he/she is capable of, so please be realistic in your ambitions and try to excel in the options you have. Believe me, the goals may not be sky-high, but definitely are achievable.
2. Resume : Over the years, all the firms tell us that IITB/D resumes are well made than IITK ones. Get some of the resumes from your friends over there, ask some of your IITK seniors for their resume, SPO is always there to help you out. But Please denote at least 2 weeks in preparing your master resume and sub-resumes for every company.
3. PPTs : Try and attend the PPTs of the companies. You can actually get to know a lot about the work culture there and what is expected of you in your initial years. It will help you decide if this is actually the thing for you or not.
4. Don’t Speculate : During October-Nov. , most of the students actually waste a lot of efforts in just speculating ‘Yaar yeh company toh ise le hi legi’. Believe me , it happens a lot, confuses you and wastes a lot of your time (especially if you are a 4 Year student.)
5. DPC : Please form a good DPC at least for your own sake. Yes maybe the post might not be of value, but a hard working student can make a lot of difference to his department placements. You cannot expect the OPCs to call in every company of your department.
College Name: IIT KANPUR
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