Round: Resume Shortlist Experience: Started working on my resume from 2013 summers. Tips: Be done with your resume(7-8 revisions) and course revision by July-August.
Round: Test Experience: Started solving questions from CL booklets from 2013
Round: Group Discussion Experience: Joined classes by Ashwini Dixit for GD, interview and Case study preparation.
General Tips: A strong resume, good oratory skills, focused and logical case study solving and good HR interview preparation is a must for Diamond. Finally, do not fret over getting selected in as many companies as possible, you will anyways get just one job, so be focused in your preparation. Do not be overconfident about anything. Do as much background work through your seniors and your friends to find out what you really want to do and which company suits you. Prepare along with your friends and batch mates instead of preparing against them. College Name: IIT KANPUR
Round: Resume Shortlist Tips: Get your resume ready (with revisions) by July-august. A strong resume is important for a company like Diamond, but do not rely only on it. Take ample resume feedbacks from your seniors.
Round: Case Study Interview Experience: There were two cases. Tips: Logical and focused case study is important.
Round: HR Interview Experience: It went on for about 30 minutes. Tips: Good oratory skills is important. Prepare well for the HR round.
General Tips: Do not procrastinate. Get everything ready on time. Be confident, but not over confident. Prepare for atleast 3 types of companies- your dream company, a mid-level and a safety net. College Name: IIT KANPUR
DIAMOND CONSULTANCY Interview Questions by Designation