Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Your seniors at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 4 Dec 2024

5 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 7 Jul 2015

7 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: We had no Aptitude test. Students were shortlisted directly for GD round on the basis of their resume.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Group Discussion: Groups of approx. 10 were made. Topics given were very general. At the end of GD everyone was asked to conclude individually for 2 minutes.In all 11 were shortlisted for the interviews.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They asked me about my projects, internship and why I see myself at KPMG. They also asked about my final year project. No technicality, but you should be able to give them a clear idea. What is my role in the project and other general questions.5 were shortlisted for the next round.

Round: Paragraph writing
Experience: Each one of us was asked to write a short paragraph on some random topic.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: It was not an HR round. A person with higher position in the firm usually takes this interview, in my case, it was the Partner. All resume based questions were asked. He asked me about my favourite subjects and few technical questions regarding those subjects. He asked me about my hobbies and achievements.
Tips: Be honest, the company is very particular about it.

College Name: IIT MADRAS
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user image Anonymous

posted on 7 Jul 2015

7 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: There was no aptitude test, only resume screening, out of that 120 people were shortlisted.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: General topics were given. Everyone was praising NAMO so just to stand out, I decided to go against the motion and it worked. The main catch in the GD was each group had 8 members but time allotted for discussion was only 5 minutes so you might get only a few opportunities to speak so prepare solid concrete points so that you stand out from the others, lay them out effectively and you will clear the round easily. After GD 12 people were shortlisted for forensics
Tips: Take the center seat if possible. If you start the discussion, do so with proper topic(it may seem stupid now but people do make mistakes in that as well). Don’t try and dominate from early stages of discussion. Give everyone a chance to speak(not at a cost of your own turn though). Your nature in the discussion(aggressive or a team player) should depend on the type of job description. At the end you should have stated one concrete point don’t just talk without any sense it does not help at all.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There were no 'ice breaker' questions straightaway tech questions.
Tips: Select one language you want to be perfect at, know the basics of others as well. I had selected C asmy language.In general I was preparing from the standard textbooks (Let us c,Test our C skills and others)Solve each and every problem in the book clear your concepts thoroughly. I preferred leaving the coding part for the later stages of my preparation as I had focused first on clearing my aptitude test and then on my interview(coding was required at the interview and not for aptitude test).

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The interview kept on shuffling between the Tech guy and the HR lady so that was a good sign.5 people were shortlisted after this round.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: Interview with the director. This was a telephonic interview since the director was unable to reach the campus.Most of the questions were repeated from the previous rounds.

General Tips: Your resume introduces you to the interviewer before you do it yourself so work hard onit.DO NOT copy some templates from the internet, design one for yourself. Avoid cluttering it withuseless facts. Design one for each profile accordingly.
Skill Tips: It doesn't matter how good the product is you can't sell it. Your soft skills help you present yourself in front of the recruiters. This cannot be developed overnight, you need to have consistent practice for the GD and the interview. Some of the tips for Interviews: Never Say ‘NO’ or ‘I don’t know’ in an interview, say you don’t remember or are not clear on the concept a direct ‘NO’ places you on the defensive. NEVER LIE, this is an interview not our viva,the person sitting in front of you is much more experienced in spotting liars and much more smart then we are. Show some respect. Prepare the answers to standard questions Be prepared to be grilled on anything and everything on your resume so don’t give false facts in that.
Skills: Soft Skills
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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user image Anonymous

posted on 30 Jun 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: There were 10 people per GD. One needs to be vocal and firm on his stance and present logical points.After this,6-7 people were shortlisted for the interview.
Duration: 12-15 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Only one round of about 30-45 minutes took place. Questions were resume-based and any resume point which
shows that you can think out of the box will help.Good POR helps and standard consult company questions were also asked. After this round,only 2 were selected.

General Tips: Placement preparation is enough and reading newspaper may help.Read about the company and know what KPMG means,etc.Interview is slightly informal so don’t be nervous and be courteous instead.
Skills: Well balanced individual., Should be able to strike a conversation from nothing., Easily approachable., Team player.
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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user image Anonymous

posted on 21 May 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. India- Market Entry Strategy for a Greentech company with focus on Solar Energy

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Based on a cut off of 7.5

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: 5-7 minutes.Abstract topic, so open ended. Within logical boundaries you could be as creative as possible. The discussion went from  importance of binary system to philosophical bearings of "its all relative".  We had to sum up key points discussed towards the end of GD with positives and negatives of "life without zero".
Tips: Don'ts:Never look at the moderator while making your point, always engage your colleagues.Never interrupt other person midway, if the moderator is sensible enough, everyone would get chance to make their point.Dos:You don't always have to jump to start the GD, but try to put across your points articulately when your turn comes.Always bring a pen and Paper to GD (In case they don't provide) to note down your point of view on the topic.If possible, try to set the tone of the GD in the beginning by pointing out different aspects that can be discussed. (You might get brownie points for that)

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: This round was lasted for around half an hour. I had interned in a Private Equity Research firm focusing on greentech. So they picked up a case from my resume. (This might happen, so be thorough with your internships). They will look for you ability to break-down a problem statement to smaller streams, multidimensional  approach and clarity in thought process.
Tips: 1. Reiterate the problem statement before you start solving the case 2. Think out loud with possible approaches, solutions, etc and pros and cons for each one3. Summarize at the end

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Lasted for almost an hour.Typical questions like1. Tell me something about yourself2. Why consulting and KPMG3. Long term goals and how KPMG fits in 4. 3 things you feel you need to improve upon
Tips: "Tell me something about yourself" sets the tone for this round so be prepared with a quick 2-3 minutes response to steer the discussion towards the points you want to highlight from your resume. 
A few stress interview questions. Make sure you take your time to answer without panicking.

General Tips: 1. Be clear on what type of companies you want to apply (Core, Consult, Fin, etc) and why2. Don't fall pray to peer pressure. Company-candidate fit is the most important thing from long term perspective.
3. Be thorough with your resume and story line4. Practice HR questions with your wing mates
Skills: Problem Solving
College Name: IIT MADRAS
Motivation: I was interested working in consult to begin my career, as it gives you good exposure across companies, sectors, you get to interact with different kinds of people and yea you get to travel.
Funny Moments: One of the consultant who had come down for tech rounds interacted with me outside the room and we had a chat on Saarang and Cricket for a while. Helped me settle down quickly during the interview.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: CGPA cut-off: 7.5

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: GD of about 5-7 min.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Comparatively shorter than HR interview.
Technical round will include Business analysis, case studies. They will look for your approach, clarity in thoughts and considerations of all the possibilities

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR interview will go for almost an hour.
 HR round will have all standard stuff like your future plans, internship details, your strengths and weaknesses
 One of the previous interviews had a case study on "How would you increase sale of Bank's insurance plan?‟

General Tips: 1. Be thorough with your resume
2. Go through the material available on the ftp server, have a look at case studies and puzzles.
3. Start preparation early.
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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