Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Your seniors at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 4 Dec 2024

14 interviews found

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user image Avinash Arya ee15m025

posted on 4 Dec 2016

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed in Dec 2016.

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Duration: 2 hours
Total Questions: 50

Round: Technical Interview

Round: HR Interview

Skills: Decision Making Skill, Mathematical Aptitude, Numerical Techniques
College Name: IIT Madras
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user image Anonymous

posted on 3 Dec 2016

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed in Jan 2016.

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test was pretty straight forward run of the mill aptitude questions
Tips: Practicing is not necessary but doing it might have a slight advantage
Duration: 1 hour
Total Questions: 30

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 1.I explained the concept of PCA stating the assumptions and conditions on how to implement it. I explained to him what the objective function was and justifying the approach to achieve it.
2.Explained the Concept of C-SVM,
3.Stated the primary objective of using kernal methods
4.Explained how Kernal functions can be used to give complex shapes to the seperating hyperplane
Tips: The interviewer wants to know the extent of your knowledge and the ability to think in the situation. He will guide you to the answer. Think of it as more like a conceptual discussion between two people.
If you are not sure of the answer walk him through your thought process

College Name: IIT Madras
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user image Anonymous

posted on 2 Dec 2016

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed in Dec 2016.

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Self-explanatory
Tips: Courses in ML, probab would be a plus.

Round: Test
Experience: It was a mix of aptitude, quant and technical questions
Duration: 1 hour

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I first told the interviewer about what I knew about the role and IBM. Added stuff about IBM Watson. He probed further about that. I told him I didn't know the details but threw in a guess about it being similar to Amazon Web services. Luckily I was right. He asked the basic funda about ML. Explained stuff to him. About the statistical models vs ML question, I emphasized that statistical models might be the core of ML, but ML encompasses details about the whole process. Special to profile - Said I have requisite theoretical as well as practical know-how. Talked about projects provided practical knowledge. Unique for corp. world - Talked about how I am a teamplayer by being a part of a lot of teams throughout insti time. He then asked, how would you tackle a bully. I said zero tolerance to bullies in my team. Then asked how would you tackle a bully who is your senior/client - Said I will be diplomatic as there is a tradeoff between how I can minimize abuse and how much damage it will cause. But, will make sure that I start small and then push for larger changes. Then asked more about ML - Told him about Supervised, unsupervised, RL, Deep. Surface area - standard guesstimate stuff
Tips: If you have done a course in ML, you will sail through. This time it looks like they were trying to expand their team

College Name: IIT Madras
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user image Kshama Dwarakanath

posted on 26 Nov 2015

I applied via Campus Placement

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Analytics. Something I always wanted to try out.. I have been interested in math since schooling, so, took up engineering.
We had courses in C programming and python.

Duration: 2 months
College Name: IIT Madras
Motivation: I have always wanted to try for a non-core company since I haven't been able to explore that area.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 3 Jul 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There were 2 technical rounds. Technical (software): These were tested-How a person approaches a problem,how he thinks.Solutions weren’t needed. Basic understanding, knowledge of Algorithms was tested.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Knowledge in Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence (electives of the person)
Tips: Basic math would help. Speed doesn’t matter.

Skill Tips: For applying to Software profile, one needs to practice much.
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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user image Anonymous

posted on 6 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Quant, Sequence series, Basic mathematics
Each question was given a specific time after which other question appeared on screen and you cannot go back to the previous question. So this was a bit stressful.
12 people got selected.
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The moderator picked each and every guy and asked him/her to put his/her views, and then time was allocated to debate on the points raised. In total 15 mins GD. No elimination through GD. Basic GD skills were looked for that is ability to speak and to drive the discussion to a positive direction.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Just 1 round of interview. Mostly HR question were asked. Resume based questions were asked. Basically HR questions were asked.

Round: Resume Shortlist
Tips: Interview was basically the criteria for selection. The internship, project POR everything mattered. Co-curricular activities were also asked.

General Tips: I think i was selected because I was able to justify my skill set properly. I gave valid explanations of my skill sets, I was able to justify my internships. Projecting my confidence level was an added advantage. Decide your future i.e. what is your area of interest and then prepare for it.
Having a good POR always help.
CGPA should be above 8.
Have mock interviews with a wingmates.
During internship work properly.
Skill Tips: Prepare for CAT. Quant, Puzzles, Case studies are important. Mock GDs and Mock PIs with wing-mates are very important. Revised all basic courses. All app-mech courses, solved some questions from unsolved section of any text book. Ensure you have mock GDs and mock PIs with wingmates.
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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user image Anonymous

posted on 6 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: CGPA about 8.00
Tips: Criterion for getting shortlisted for test - CGPA > 8.0
for GD - the score in their test
There was no shortlist after GD (all were called for PI) but they were looking to eliminate those who talked about technology and research instead.

Round: Test
Experience: There was a simple test on English and basic level Math. A timed test (no calculators allowed). CAT preparation can help but not exactly necessary.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The profile is all about teamwork and hence GD was an important part of the selection procedure. The panelist, then, tried to confuse us by citing examples of advanced technology and research in the context of "smarter planet". He was actually looking for people who talked about "ideas for business expansions" and not about "knowledge of advanced technology".

Round: Interview
Experience: There was just one round of HR interview. Predominantly resume based. The interviewer just had a chat with me, asked about my hometown, discussed a few extra curriculars I had mentioned in my resume. There was this one common question about teamwork. He asked for my experiences of teamwork and what I had learned from them. I think he was also looking for communication skills.

General Tips: 1. 9.66 CGPA in Management minor stream, overall CGPA > 8.0
2. Internship at IMaCS where I worked in teams with MBA grads

1st and 2nd years - explore all branches, all fields, as much as possible. Maintain good CG. Have some extra curriculars.
2nd years - get your passport asap. do a core intern to get an idea of your field and also to fill your resume.

3rd years - decide whether or not you want to app. (I converted to dual degree because I was still indecisive on this).

If your CG is low and you are bent on apping, do some extra projects, put papers and maintain relation with profs.
Skill Tips: I did not particularly prepare for non-core. I just solved a couple of quant papers. I did not particularly prepare for core companies. I did observe that going through structures and geotech courses really helped my classmates land core jobs.
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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user image Anonymous

posted on 4 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Initial shortlisting was based on 1 hour written test.
Questions on Quant,Codingand Algorithms were asked in the test
Tips: Focus on quant,coding and algorithms
Duration: 60 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The subject knowledge and skills tested in Technical interview are:
Tips: Good math knowledge is required.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: General HR question were asked in this round.

Skills: Data structure, Algorithms, Math, Coding
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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user image Anonymous

posted on 4 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: CGPA above 8.

Round: Test
Experience: Simple quant questions, 2 sections, 20 - 30 min each. Calculators were not allowed.
Duration: 60 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: 11 members were part of the GD! They were under the impression that students from IITs are usually interested in technology, research and engineering. Your enthu/understanding of what a 'business consultant' does is what is tested in the GD. Just before the GD, they said that they would explain what they meant by "smarter planet". They
confused us by mentioning some technological innovations (like solar power, prosthetic limbs, artificial heart, brain, GPS, etc.) as examples of smarter planet. After the GD, they were able to simply separate those candidates who talked about business consulting from those candidates who got confused and talked about technology.
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Interview
Experience: 1. The first 3 minutes was just a general talk about my hometown, junior college, etc. ( I think he was also from Andhra)

2. He went through my resume and asked me why I put certain points, like my BITSAT score in there. He also pointed out that there was nothing much regarding sports. I just made defending arguments.

3. He asked me about my teamwork, instances of good and bad teamwork, what I have learned from my experiences of teamwork in IIT. He said that the profile would need me to work in teams with IIM grads and asked me how I could manage.

General Tips: 3 things:1. I had 9.67 CGPA in Management minor and this added weight to my non-core side.2. I did an internship at IMaCS in infrastructure consulting. I was able to put pseud that I worked in teams with MBA grads during that internship and that we worked well. I think I also spoke well about my teamwork in class projects.3. During the GD, I gave a good example of business consulting (something regarding Maruthi Suzuki which I recalled from Marketing Management class). It gave them a strong opinion that I'm into business consulting.
Skill Tips: Practicing early in the semester would definitely help for any kind of placement.
Skills: quant, puzzle solving
College Name: IIT MADRAS
Motivation: I was apping, so I didn't prepare properly. However, I must suggest those who app, (not the ones who are bent on going abroad, but the ones like me, like cats on the wall) to attend all the placement tests and put proper fight during placements. I'm not saying that you should practice quant months earlier or mug up the finance material. (Its great if you can do that too, but I expect you'd be busy with GRE, TOEFL, etc.) I suggest you to finish (or pause) your SOPs and stuff before the third week of November and attend all the companies' tests and get placed early. A good placement is not only a big relief but it also allows you to drop your safe universities and apply to more strong. I didn't attend a couple of tests and regretted it during placements(getting placed on 16th day is not exactly Christmas) Never ever mention GRE or MS or any higher studies, for that matter, in any placement interview if you want to get placed in that company, no matter how friendly or understanding the interviewer might seem to be. (I got rejected in the first round itself in a couple of companies for doing this.)
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user image Anonymous

posted on 4 Feb 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: CGPA above 8 + written test +online test

Round: Test
Tips: Prepare from Online Tutorials for Number Series and Device Modelling Basics from Karmalkar Lectures.
Duration: 90 + 30 minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR will ask you a lot of common questions.
Tips: Prepare some of the expected questions in advance.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I opted for Computational Lithography Group at IBM_ SRDC So questions were based on that profile
VLSI, Semiconductors (BJT, MOS), ASIC Design Flow, CMOS Process Flow.
Tips: They are looking for VLSI, Digital IC Design, Device Modelling. Do prepare these them well. Prepare from VLSI (NDG Lectures), Device Modelling (Karmalkar Lectures), Dig IC Design (Class Notes).

College Name: IIT MADRAS
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