Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
Your seniors at Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
Your seniors at Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
I applied via Campus Placement
Tell me a little about your life journey.
How has your IIM Lucknow journey been till now?
Why Consulting?
Asked to explain the work I did at Deloitte.
Case- The client is the ministry of Logistics of India. Develop a cost optimization strategy for the Indian logistics.
[Please note that I stands for Interviewer and C stands for Candidate]
C- Started with clarifying questions- Why cost optimization is required? Do we have any constraints in terms of time and resources? Are we looking at both domestic or international logistics? (Asked one by one)
I- India is spending a large percentage of its GDP on logistics if compared to US. Thus, we need to find a way to reduce costs. We can look at both short term and long-term ways. No constraints in terms of budget. Look at only domestic logistics.
C- (After taking around 30 seconds) I told her about my structure -logistics consisted of two main components (Transportation and Warehousing) I would look at each of them separately.
Under transportation. I would first divide it into modes of transportation and separately look at each of the modes. Under warehousing again i would look at the current process that is being followed. Under each of them I would try to identify the issues and from that I would develop a cost optimization strategy.
I- She told me that in India the most frequent mode of transport used was railways and buses whereas US used waterways. She asked me to identify the reason for the same. Also, she told me to concentrate on land as a mode of transport and take the case of a cement industry.
C- For the difference between US and India - I spoke about connectivity, the difference in the geographical area, time, and cost. Taking land as a mode of transport I drew a value chain of the inbound and outbound logistics for a cement factory.
I started analyzing each aspect of the value chain and identifying the problems. I spoke about the time, cost, wastage, the condition of the transport system and the efficiency of the labor etc. The interviewer helped me with the required information from time to time. I identified that in land transport - even though railways were cheaper the factories were using trucks to transport their raw materials and finished goods because of time. I suggested we could use a mix of both trucks and railways to achieve an optimum in terms of cost and time.
Discussed a few more problems and solutions at each step of the value chain. Then she suddenly stopped the case.
Which committee are you a part of?
Which Industry are you efficiency comfortable with?
[Please note that I stands for Interviewer and C stands for Candidate]
C- Sir, pharmaceuticals.
I- Then of course I am not giving you a case related to that.
Case- The client is a school conglomerate. It was growing at a good rate till a few years back but suddenly it has no money left. Help me identify the following.
a, Why is the conglomerate in this condition?
b, Where did the money go?
c, Help design a growth strategy for the conglomerate.
Started with clarifying questions. What does the conglomerate comprise of?(schools, smart classes, tuition centers, and stationery and uniform business) How long it has been operating? Where is it located? Whom does it cater to? About the competition it is facing. (Interviewer told me that he would tell me about the competitors once I had answered the first two questions)
Then I told him, there could be an issue with the revenue, cost, or both. I spoke about how we can improve on revenues through current operations or by finding an alternative (Like renting out the school space in after hours) He agreed and then asked me to focus on the cost side. He had assumed that I had studied MANAC in term 1 and wanted me to use those concepts.
When I clarified that I hadn't studied MANAC, yet he asked me to draw a cash flow statement. I started identifying the operating, investing, and financing expenses and income for the conglomerate.
He suddenly stopped me and asked me to draw a cashflow statement for the conglomerate in case it was planning to set up a new school. I spoke of the basic costs and income that I could identify under each of the cashflow heads at that moment.
Additionally, I told that if the school is set up in a rural area where there are no government schools, we can ask the govt to fund us since we are helping in right to education.
I also said that if the school is planning to use rainwater harvesting (my school had planned to do so - I suddenly remembered) or solar energy then it would incur additional investment costs. He said good and ended the case.
I applied via Campus Placement
I applied via Campus Placement
An online test was taken for candidates who applied for the Company. The first test included Aptitude, LR and Verbal. Though the test was dominated by LR portions. The miscellaneous section had observation based tests that employ your attention to detail skills.
I applied via Campus Placement
You are the consultant of a South Asian Company which provides different cards to companies, however, recently their profits in the travel card vertical are going down. How would you identify the potential clients which we can approach to increase our profits?
[Please note that I stands for Interviewer and C stands for Candidate]
I: Travel card vertical is where they provide travel cards to the companies which distribute it to employees for their daily travels/ trips /business travels. How would you go about identifying potential companies where we can increase our revenues?
C: Talked about Macro factors based on which new trends and insights can be obtained and potential companies can be identified.
I: That's fine and that is for gaining new companies into the portfolio. How would go about identifying the potential companies from the current portfolio?
C: Talked about various aspects like financial insights and on the basis of size, revenue and growth rate of different industries clubbed together.
I applied via Campus Placement
Situation based GD to select a leader consensually.
a, All members were given 1 pager case depicting the situation of a plane crash and the character
sketches of 5 persons out of which we had to
choose one leader.
b, Arriving at Consensus was mandated in the
I applied via Campus Placement
I applied via Campus Placement
Duration 15 mins:
Tell me about your work experience at Trident?
How did you move from Production Planning to Strategy?
What were the challenges you faced while leading a team so early?
What was your most interesting project?
I am a Mobile Handset Manufacturer. A marketing associate has suggested selling my new mobile phone in the South-East Asian market. Help me quickly decide on this. Run me through the factor and the evaluation. Highlight any risks in the entry.
I applied via Campus Placement
I applied via Campus Placement
About yourself.
Questions about C.
Case based on what's written in the CV - how can u take it forward?
Any app-suggest changes and why?
Any questions?
I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed in Aug 2023.
Sales Simulation Assignment