Your seniors at D Y Patil College of Engineering, Pune helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
Round: Test Experience: In aptitude, there were 7 sections. They had sectional cut-off of 60%-65% with no negative marking. 75 questions in 50 mins.
a. Quantitative:Prepare topics like time and work,pipes cisterns,profit and loss,trains,speed time distance,mixtures etc. Prepare these topics from Indiabix well. Chances are there you may get same questions.(11 questions) b. Verbal Reasoning: Prepare series,set theory,blood relations,seating arrangements,age etc(20 questions) c. Non Verbal Reasoning: Finding odd one out from set of diagrams etc(5 questions) d.e. General English-1&2: Synonyms,Antonyms, Fill in the blanks,Prepositions, Syllogism,Para jumbles,Spellings(35 questions) f. Reading Comprehension:(2 questions)
Tips: Your result will be displayed as soon as you complete the test. You will be having link for next section i.e.Story Writing. Once you clear the test, trust me you are 80% placed. My advice to you is that focus on English. If you clear aptitude, you are almost selected. It is a good opportunity to grab. Beware of sectional cut-off, especially sections having less questions. Refer Indiabix for aptitude,synonyms,antonyms and Wren & Martin for English. Duration: 50 minutes Total Questions: 75
Round: Story Writing Experience: Story writing: You will be having an image and you are supposed to write a story within 15 mins and it should of 1000 characters I guess. To clear this round, I would suggest you to visit -----/ . Just think of anything and start typing. Get it corrected by someone. Incorrect spellings will be underlined with red. That will boost up your confidence. The result will be announced by HR personnel.
Round: Technical Interview Experience: First, I was asked my introduction. I was asked to write a C program on reversing a string, a SQL query to perform joins. Some questions on my project. Since I belonged to CSE branch, I was asked these questions.
Round: HR Interview Experience: I was asked to say something about the company that was not covered in pre-placement talk. I was asked about my family and hobbies. Tips: Pay attention during pre-placement talk. Keep calm and be confident. Practice programs. Prepare your projects well.
Lastly, give back what you have taken. The blogs in this site helped me a lot. So I decided to put in my contribution as a token of thanks to Indiabix,Ambitionbox and other students.
General Tips: Be yourself. Skills: Basic Concepts, Verbal Communication Skills, Proficiency In English College Name: D.Y.Patil College of Engineering, Pune