Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi

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Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi Placement Interview Questions

Updated 1 Jan 2025

1 interview found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Experience: This was conducted  by some Snr. Software Developer of
-> They basically asked sql queries like : using joins and sub queries.
-> Basic sql concepts like: diff b/w varchar and char
-> Normalization and De- Normalization
-> Some basic puzzles
-> Data Structure questions like : finding middle element of the array, linked-list in one round
-> Basic OOP concepts
Tips: Getting placed in InfoEdge Pvt Ltd. (or was the greatest thing happened to me ever. Sharing my experience, may be it can help any of my junior to join this organization. grin emoticon

Round: Test
Experience: Heavy ball, Light Ball puzzle
-> Algo implementing logic to find the largest and second largest element of the array in 2 diff ways with complexities.
-> Complex sql query using 3-4 joins and sub-query in one single query
-> one query on co-related query
->Some questions to find O/P of the program written in C like: operators, recursions, stack, queue.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There wer total of 3 Technical rounds. the details are as follows 1st - Technical Round(Taken by some Team Lead of
->ask to explain how I solved puzzles of written exam.
-> how did I implemented sql query of the written and asked me about Indexers.
-> Some Puzzles.
-> Implement a hashing function, which will convert any number(any digit) in words like:
9,99,212 = Nine Lac Ninty Nine thousand Two hundred and twelve2nd - Technical Round
(Taken by some Team Lead of
-> Puzzles
-> OOP concepts like: Polymorphism
-> Sql concepts like: where and having diff, some queries to write
-> Implement a Algo to find the loop in the linked-list
-> Some more Data Structure based questions
 3rd - Technical Round
(Taken by Snr, Project Manager of
(Difficult of all, mostly taken by Snr, Project Manager or Technical Architect, means you can't fool them)
-> Puzzles
-> Stack Trace of the question in written paper, that has recursive function and two function call to the same recursive function inside the recursive function. like:
If my recursion function is A(). Its like:-
}->Website performance factors
->Design Patterns
-> Data Structure based questions
-> Last company organization Structure

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 1st Round with VP(Vice President)
(Its bascially HR type of round)
-> Here, they asked how much we know about this organization,,,,, etc.
-> Some case studies where how I will act in difficult and stressed conditions.
-> Some examples of my leadership during my lifetime.
-> He will also discuss which vertical you are intersted in joining 2nd HR Round-> It is just a formality, where they discussed about salary structure, notice period, how I like the organization.
Tips: In all these rounds, mostly these people take stress interview, that how cOOL and calmy you should behave in case of stress. Just don't give up and keep fighting with the problem, keep asking for clues and hints. This organization loves people who don't give up. Knowledge of Design Pattern and Web domain is a Plus point if you are appearing for interview here.

College Name: BITS MESRA
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