Interview Process : Almost same for every candidates - His pickup lines "How are you Man" "Hows your life" "All Ok" These above lines for impressing you personally. He will ask you personally and may be he call you personally. His interview end lines Chill 2-3 times Take Care 2-3 times Enjoy Your life, (because once you join his organization he makes it hell definitely) These above statements are just for showing that he care about you. Now come to main interview part : He will talk negative about your current employer and if you are in other country citizen like india, pakistan, he will talk negative about countries working culture. Because almost 90% employees having bad images of his own boss, he will take advantage of that. He will talk like your current employer is using you, not providing good opportunities for you, dominating you etc. Although once you join water engineering services fze, these above things you will face, like : 1) He will not provide you NOC for driving licence 2) He will not provide you business card/visiting card 3) He will not allow you to talk to other department employees 4) He will follow you each and every minutes in the office and after office as well (Nano Management). 5) He will take you passport and degree in the name of UAE law and then play with you upto your resignation times/last working days. 6) If you are using company wifi, he will monitor, print and show to you your browsing data. 7) If you are using company phone, he will check your call details. 8) He will not allow you to send any mail regarding your personal.
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