The work ethic is very high and team work is the order of the day. The Executive Director encourages a work synergy and appreciation of every staff’s contribution. In light of the pandemic, the Executive Director instituted the UNRA Business Committee that oversees all the interventions and measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 and is comprised of representatives from the Top Management Team to all the directorates and departments. Standard Operating Procedures were developed for each Directorate and these were officially approved and revised in line with the Presidential Directives and Ministry of Health Guidelines. The SOPs have been adopted and are strictly adhered. Additionally, site based standard operating procedures were developed to guide the implementation of projects, UNRA stations, Ferries etc. The entity has encouraged work from home and scaled down activities that are not critical and are high risk requiring stakeholder engagements. PPE has provided and sanitizers at the offices for only critical staff that are authorized by each director. UNRA has also supported government interventions in fighting the pandemic through staff contributions and provider donations. The entity procured hospital mattresses, sanitizers, food and also provided vehicles to Ministry of Health to aid transport by the COVID National Taskforce and aid in distribution of relief food to the vulnerable population.
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