Minimum opportunity to advance.
Delay in salary and poor appraisal.
Micro management system - Excessive supervision and control of manger over employees which affect their mental and physical health.
The employees have to give detailed explanation if we are taking 5 min break.
Pls don't join Skizzle technolabs.
Ladies please stay out of this company.
Unproffesional and unethical management.
We can't believe a single word of management including HR.
Its a worst place for the women to work.
Skizzle rule - In order to be eligible for maternity leave, female employees must work for a minimum of one year after DOJ. (As per the govt rule female employees must work for atleast 80 days after DOJ, But Skizzle won't let you do that.)
Hikes are alright here, but you start low. So everyone's salaries are suprising even when hike is ok.
I came here after taking care of some unwell people and I was mentally beaten up because financially I was not in a good place, I needed some solace and place to restore balance but I guess I realize now that m