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Parke Davis Salaries in India

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Salary related reviews for Parke Davis


Rated by 2 employees for salary & benefits

Sales & Business Development Department

  •  posted on 02 Apr 2020

 for  Salary and Benefits


Teammates : Good;, Training : Excellent;, Job Security: Moderate;, Career Growth : Reasonable for those who worked hard and intelligently;; Salary : Below Average, particularly for those stable employees and who worked continuously;; salary for outsiders was better and reasonable;, Travel : O.Kay; Politics: as normal in the corporate. Learning : Excellent because most of the job was being done on our own without much help from seniors; Work Environment was reasonable; Innovation by management was below mark, by self Maximum; Work-Life balance was reasonable.

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Salary was very Poor, below industry standards; career growth was limited because company itself did not grow much; Learning was super because "To be successful, One has to use his own ideas, his own strengths, ;; Work Life Balance was reasonable; Major Draw Back: Because of unionized field force, Managers were not free to take action against indisciplined workers and non-performers,leading to maximum pressure on middle line managers.

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