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Nmk Infrastructures Salaries in India

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Salary related reviews for Nmk Infrastructures


Rated by 4 employees for salary & benefits

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Construction & Site Engineering Department

  •  posted on 14 May 2023

 for  Salary and Benefits


Yes I like NMK Infrastructure Company our Electrical firm form in June 2019 take GST registration and MSME registration also and we have the approved vendor of L&T Jaskon and Sterling Wilson of 50 lacs work order from above mentioned companies and completed all work in October 21 we have all three years balance sheet certified by CA and filed ITR also of three years.

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Onwards October 21 we don't have any work because no electrical tenders was UPPCL.

I am the approved vendor of L&T Jaskon and sterling Wilson under DDUGJY... Department

  •  posted on 29 Sep 2022

 for  Salary and Benefits


I am B.Tech(Electrical) from Roorkee IIT in the year 1979. I have 39 Years working experience in NHPC and various construction companies as DGM Projects under RAPDRP DDUGJY IPDS youjna of distribution and transmission Projects from 1980 to April 2019. But in June 2019 we form our firm in proprietorship as NMK Infrastructure Company Delhi and take GST registration and MSME registration also and Start work with L&T Jaskon and sterling Wilson under DDUGJY IPDS youjna at uttar pradesh and jaharkhand state of Rs.40lacs work order from above mentioned companies and completed completed all work of above mentioned companies with testing and commissioning also in October 21 we have all companies completion certificate also now onwards October 21 we don't have any projects so i am searching some projects execution. We have all of three years balance sheet is finalized and certified by CA and file ITR also of year 2019-20/2020-21/2021-22. Therefore I request you kindly do the needful help for some electrical Projects execution of my firm.

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Not at all i am very much faithful to our company and searching for new projects but now L&T Jaskon got the new tendor from MVVNL PUVVNL & DVVNL but now work will be start with in three months so i can get the projects i am the approved vendor of above mentioned companies.

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Projects planning and Execution Department

  •  posted on 29 Oct 2021

 for  Salary and Benefits


We have form our firm in proprietorship and take GST registration and MSME registration also from June 2019. We have start work with L &T Jaskon and Sterling Wilson and their approved vendor those two years we work 19 lacs.their balance sheet finalized and certified by CA and file ITR also.But at present no govt.youjna work so I am suffer for our survival with family. That's why I am surching job .Our total working experience in this field is 40 years in power generation transmission and distribution. If it is possible so please do the needful for my side please help. Thanks

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Here is govt.funding due to this payment is late my payment is pending from October 20 approx. 12 lacs. So we feel difficulty to run our business.

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