My last company is Metallurgical based company, as my qualification related to that I was happy about that. And I joined when company was in inception. So I was fortunate to see growth of the company physically. Lot of learning happened on commissioning of the small & large equipment. Got interaction with foreign engineers & technicians on various aspect of performance. Got opportunity to go abroad to U S A & Britain for inspection of equipment. I had free hand to work & take decisions. We had good set of colleagues with same mind set of building our company. Totally corrupt free atmosphere. People around in India come to get testing results from us, mentioning most dependable technical testing results. I feel very proud about that than anything else. Work on ethics. Some of the products are unique. Example : Maraging 250 steel is world's class steel. Used for space & defence application in huge quantity supplied by our company. Like this I have many things to mention.
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