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Marafiq Saur Operation Salaries in India

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Salary related reviews for Marafiq Saur Operation


Rated by 1 employees for salary & benefits

Project & Program Management Department

  •  posted on 14 Dec 2017

 for  Salary and Benefits


...gement system, waste disposal system, isolation system, .confined space safety. excellent salary package. excellent benefits system, yearly bonus system, yearly increment system as per appraisal. MARAFIQ various Training courses , safety training & safety meeting , and good overtime system also Preventive maintenance system..

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spot termination, termination without award system, safety termination, too much work load like including control of process and safety followup, preparing permit to work & isolation of the system, gas testing for confined space entry, maintenance activities followup & shutdown activities. in this reason the work pressure is very high.

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