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Lifcare Pharmacy Pharmacist salaries in Thalassery

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Salary related reviews for Lifcare Pharmacy

Finance & Accounting Department

  •  posted on 04 Mar 2022

 for  Salary and Benefits


Good environment ane culture Transportation facilities And good salary and bonus and inncreement

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  • Salary - Excellent
  • +6 more


There is a lot of politics and the management doesn’t address our issues. Salary is decent but career growth is slow. There is a bond of 2 years before which you cannot resign. On the job training is not given to new joinees.

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Other Department

  •  posted on 09 Jan 2019

 for  Salary and Benefits


No any other benefits given by the company for employees like bounce,leaves, medical facilities, Appraisal & others

  • Skill development - Excellent


Compensation is decent, but growth is slow. The work pressure is very high. Sometimes, I have to work 14-18 hours straight in a day as I have to attend client calls in the evening and sometimes late into the night. Managers do not value an individuals’ unique strengths, which is why I have to take back my suggestions most of the times. I do receive appreciation emails from my client, but they mostly go unnoticed during my mid-year appraisals. Also, there is no on-job training for freshers, hence senior folks like me have to guide them step-by-step, which is a pain sometimes.

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  • Salary - Bad
  • +4 more

Legal & Regulatory Department

  •  posted on 23 Oct 2021

 for  Salary and Benefits


It's really pathetic considering the kind of work culture they have in their office. There is a clear discrimination between IT and NON IT individuals which is visible in every facet of this company. Overall not a great place for a medical consultant. You can definitely give it a skip.

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Working culture is very biased with few HRs of the company have no idea about their job and portfolio

  • Salary - Bad
  • +5 more

Sales & Business Development Department

  •  posted on 15 Apr 2019

 for  Salary and Benefits


Great team

  • Skill development - Good
  • +4 more


The company is open to innovation and readily adopts latest technology. I love the fact that I am a part of a team that markets reliable, high-quality products and has a global client base. As a result, I get to travel abroad, especially to the US and Canada. But on-site travel is completely dependent on your project and client’s location. Mine is a US based client and they have some offices in Toronto, hence I got a B1 visa quickly. Another plus point is that my colleagues come from various cultural backgrounds, and we work happily in collaboration. I also like the employee re-hire policy here.

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Sales & Business Development Department

  •  posted on 04 Feb 2019

 for  Salary and Benefits


Just gave me a good platform to show my skills and expertise.

  • Work-life balance - Excellent


The Company do not have a vision and mission and is only working on mere suggestions by team discussion and fellow employees and senior management.

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  • Job security - Bad
  • +2 more
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