Many, many people have been let go within the past year. There is extreme instability within the company due to lack of clients choosing to migrate or choosing RISE. Many companies are choosing to stay onprem over hybrid cloud or dedicated cloud due to costs. As such, Lemongrass has laid off much of their top talent.
Nothing good here.
Philippine peoples are in management post and they are trying to eliminate Indian and trying to pull their Family members.
Very Micro Management
Everyone knows, what wrong is going on.. still no action taken by any management.
In 3 month of working, they can put you in PIP and give official Notice to leave.
They know, how to get the work done over Gunpoint.
The company is really good, the salaries and perks are great but the working culture is too bad.
The team members are working culture was really bad. They do not give you space to learn and evolve. No learning curve is maintained. They hire and want you to learn and start working on your own. No scope of learning through peers!