It's a family company,husband is CEO,wife handles all the management operations,being corporate sale person I must be meeting corporate people,if we try to close the deals over mail or call,they suggest to go meet personally,if the meeting time exceeds 3 hour they will cut the salary.While they enter in to the office we should standup,for example we dint saw them coming or might be busy in some other work,that day we will get punishment in some mannaer(they won't say that you dint stand-up while we are coming)so manner we will get the punishment.login time 930 logout 630 if a 20-30 min login is missing in the biometric,person is dead that day he must listn at least 30 mins class.If you want try any new things,they won't must fallow their strategy. I have handled international and domestic sales,implemented various strategies according to the situation,but here traditional one. Horrable situations I have faced there,I doesn't want to give any stars,but all are mandatory that's why given.Still some of my amount is struck with them.
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