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CouponZeta Salaries in India

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Salary related reviews for CouponZeta


Rated by 4 employees for salary & benefits

Digital Marketing Department

  •  posted on 10 Aug 2019

 for  Salary and Benefits


It is a great experience and i have been enjoying my work here from last one and half year. There is no such other company like this which is very friendly with the staff, good management, great learning opportunities and the best place which prioritizes the employee's opinion. We have celebrations, learning sessions and enjoyed the success meets. Definitely, a great place to work!

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Nothing Much

Marketing Department

  •  posted on 27 Jul 2019

 for  Salary and Benefits


Worst work environment, super timid and adamant head weight seniors, cheapest management skills of the h free heads of the organization, monotonous stressful work

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Head of the company is from telugu medium, seniors are Telugu medium and everyone there is almost from telugu medium working on content and SEO of websites. Please check out their websites cheap content quality full of grammar mistakes and expired offers

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