GM Mr. Bassem - He is very shouting, arroganrt,aggressive. As a hierarchy, our Official reporting is to Mr. Milan Samanek -- He is the PEM. For all employees , Milan Samanek is the reporting Manager. He is somewhat better.But he has no say.Although he is technically very sound and well behaving man. Only Bassem interferes all technical matters. But unfortunate to say, He is treating his employees like a slave, Ignores everyone's proposal , expertise not like a Healthy office atmosphere. And ,On the contrary, Mr. Bassem is interested to collect the personal life information e.g. married life, relationship with spouse etc. and Mr. Fennex ,a Lead Instrument Engineer cum in BCCES is mingling with other colleagues in this organization, like a friend. And in the back or no one's presence ,Mr. Fennex is providing to Bassem (GM) all the personal information collected from other employees and explain these as per his school of thought or regional culture or may be his family culture. That's how he wants to gain importance in the organization and spoiling also Bassem's Mind and Mood against others. Very sorry to say its happening always and to many people. Bassem is literary fighting with all his subordinates, very egoistic person. And at a conclusion, Bassem doesn't show any respect to his people when he speaks to us. In a word, Company work culture is very poor and rubbish kind.
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