...they should attract young talent and shouldn't delay their promotions or growth. Give them work but pay them better. Give them responsibilies but promote them.The work culture improves if fresh talents are introduced. They should reduce bullying of the old frustrated professionals who spoil the young energy. Young people do not understand the political dynamics of the organization. Then have lot of energy. This energy should be positively directed at achieving company's bigger objectives and mundane daily routine works. One should not presume that young talents are selfish and disloyal to the company. They can stay longer provided they are guided under right hands. I'm referring to the immediate boss or HODs. They play a significant role in utilizing and retaining young minds. Giving them great opportunities at times will make young talents worth staying in this place. Then they will easily get into daily grindings for the sake of grabbing few great opportunities that will make them proud and these would be worth mentioning in their CVs
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