Vishvaraj Environment
About Vishvaraj Environment
We are an ESG-focused water utility. We are social entrepreneurs who contribute to Water Sustainability and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, leading to water security. Focused on the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) route to come up with sustainable solutions along with the support of the Indian Government, our experience has resulted in evolution of our own “4P model”, where we have successfully put People as the centre of our planning & focus, to help us build effective solutions each day. We see huge opportunities in process improvement & effective implementation to elevate the standard of living for the citizens of the country.
Our mission is to be Sustainable, Efficient and Accountable to People. We work towards building a society where every person has access to 24x7 uninterrupted supply of clean & safe drinking water. We pioneered India’s first successful full city project – 24x7 water supply to Nagpur, benefiting 2.7 million people. We are focused on building positive water security cycles through infrastructure. We pride ourselves on executing the first PPP project in India that provides tertiary treated water to thermal power stations, freeing up 190 MLD of fresh water that can take care of population growth for the next 25 years of the city of Nagpur.
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