Conduct weekly safety tool box meeting with supervisor.
Prepare weekly safety report.
Prepare monthly safety report.
Take care of work permit to ensure work is done safely and proper precautions.
Conduct weekly safety audit and prepare report.
Ensure hot work requirements are complied with.
Conduct daily work site inspections to identify and correct the existing hazards and unsafe conditions specifically work on scaffolds / Excavation / Confined space / Elevation work/Grid blasting/Crane lifting and report to management. ?
Prepare a plant inspection program for the site lifting gear, portable tools, safety equipments, fire extinguishers etc. Ensure employees are following the confined space entry procedures and maintain log for confined space,
Make sure that the electrical lock out / Tag out system is being followed properly.
Attain all safety meeting with client.
Enforcement of all applicable rules, regulations, and standards pertaining to safety.
Make daily routine safety audits and hazard inspections in work place and lay down areas.
Strict control and supervision on work permit system to ensure that adequate, necessary precautions stipulated in the permits are observed prior to commencement of work.