- Process conflict of interest searches, including analyzing and interpreting complex search results according to rules of professional conduct and applicable professional standards, generate conflict reports and perform searches of external and internal databases for relevant conflict of interest data
- Support the operations of the Entity Management System team including processing updates to client affiliate trees and making other updates as needed
- Work with the firms independence support team for Private Equity client relationships, including performing necessary independence searches, consultations with responsible parties, and making system updates as required.
- EducateandprovideguidancetointernalcustomersregardingOffice of Risk Management policiesandprocedures
- Otherdutiesas assigned
- GraduationRequired
- MBA - Preferred
- ProficientwithMicrosoftOfficeSuiteapplicationsincluding Word, Excel, and Outlook Required
- Strong familiarity with financial and legal transactions, organizationtypes,andcorporatefamilystructuresPreferred
- Strongresearchskillsandexperiencewithdataentry Required
- Experienceinasupportorcustomerserviceroleorfunction Required
- Strongwrittenandverbalcommunicationskillsandattentionto detail Required
- GoodorganizationalandtimemanagementskillsRequired
- MustbeabletoworkindependentlyRequired
- Mustexercisegoodjudgmentskillstodeterminewhethera researcher is providing accurate details Preferred
- Experience with the independence rules in the United States, including the PCAOB, SEC, AICPA - Preferred
Employment Type: Full Time, Permanent
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