Tender Preparation & Submission online & Offline of i.e. EMD, Price Approval in Sofon, Compliance Left Side and other relevant documents as mentioned in Tender.
Regularly Checking Website for new Tenders and updating in Tender Trackers
Punching of Purchase/Supply orders after taking all required approvals and Sofon approvals
Preparation and submission of documents to customer as per required of PO/SO (i.e. Agreements, PBG, PI,etc)
New Customer Code / unblock creation for SAP IN90/DX96
Letter Drafting as per requirement i.e Tender LC Amendments, Amendment, Acceptance, Demurrages etc
Preparation and follow up with customer / Internally for Shipment Clearances Documents
Preparation and Submission of documents to customer for Claiming our Payments
Preparing and monthly updating of Sales Report trackers i.e OIT Tracker
Preparation of Power point presentations as per requirement
Data Correction and updating in CR Tool for orders and revenue
Vendor Code Creation in OSCAR Team CME / Sponsorships / Buybacks
Commission Payout process
Preparation of MAF and other required docs provided to Channel Partner for tenders quoting on our behalf - If any
Catalogue upload
Payment processing
New Category Creation for Different Modality
Product updating/Deletion as per specification , updates to existing products (price revisions, stock updates, and specification changes)
MRP Updating,
DP Extension for order
Uploading the PBG on the GEM portal as per the order requirements
Update invoice, E-way for payment processing on GEM & CRC Generation
Authorization Code Generation for CP for product, Product approval on GE