Design, develop and maintain every type of software we develop or ever have developed.
You could be assigned to develop a new Jackpot server component or improve the generic graphical user panel in our slot games or improve our automated build process etc.
Development is mainly done in a team environment with different setups depending on the task and sometimes you will also be solely responsible to develop functionality.
We follow agile principles in our daily work but do not adhere to any named method.
Core technologies are Java, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and SQL.
Who you are
You are a Master Google Searcher that have Stackoverflow as your absolute favorite web site.
You have practical experience of backend and frontend development with Java, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and SQL.
Taking on technical challenges and solving them is something you take pride in.
Quality, not only of the code you write, but the delivered system is important to you.
You thrive in an environment where you are responsible for your code and take ownership of changes from editor to production system.
Beneficial skills
Working experience of mobile browsers and knowledge about their limitations and how they work in different ways is a big plus.
Who we are
A gambling software provider with the operator in focus and the mobile future on our minds. Nolimit is a team of experienced professionals from the gambling industry in Stockholm, Sweden, Malta and Gurugram, India. Our company has derived from hands on work at some of the most successful gambling software providers and operators over the last 10 years. Our mission is to offer a fast, reliable and flexible team that cooperates with a selected few operators, taking gambling software to the next level.
Our biggest advantage is our complete, portable system platform for mobile/tablet and desktop that is 100 % under our own control. Since we have our own platform, this allows us to deliver special features and smooth, customizable marketing campaigns that are tailored to the operators specific needs. We think its time for a new angle to the gambling software industry one where the operator is in focus and we fully engage their promotion, marketing and country manager system/activities with our games. Nolimit only work with a selected few operators in order to give our customers the attention they deserve.