A Head of Investigations & Due Diligence is responsible for leading the investigation and due diligence process for a business or individual: Due diligence A thorough assessment of a business or individual's background, financial records, legal status, and other essential details. Investigations The process of investigating a business or individual's economic, legal, fiscal, and financial circumstances. Due diligence is important for reducing risks and ensuring informed decision-making in business transactions. It can involve a variety of types of due diligence, including: Legal due diligence Involves reviewing a company's legal, regulatory, and compliance status. Financial due diligence Involves verifying a company's finances, including earnings, assets, liabilities, cash flow, and debt. Commercial due diligence Involves analyzing a company's market share, competitive positioning, and growth potential. Tax due diligence Involves reviewing a company's tax exposure and potential to reduce its tax burden. Management due diligence Involves evaluating each individual in a company's senior management to assess their effectiveness in contributing to the organization's strategic objectives.