To value additively lead the Project Management functions in a Project.
Detailed scope of work of Project Management attached.
1. One/two year full time Post Graduate Degree in relevant discipline
2. Graduate in engineering/architecture
3. Male Candidates Only
4. Work Experience 7+ yrs
Project Management.
Project Manager (PM) will be associated with the project right from beginning of work at
project site , during execution, till completion and handing over of the project. The following
illustrative list of scope of services are included but not limited to :
Kick-off Meeting (All the respective departments)
PM to appoint team leader / Project head for complete project life cycle.
Prepare Integrated Project management Plan.
Project management plan covers entire gamut of activities for complete project life cycle including all knowledge e.g. Integration management, scope management, time management, cost management, procurement management, safety health and
environment, risk management, quality management, human resource management, communication management.
Prepare organization chart with duties and responsibilities.
Prepare statutory plan and check compliance of the same.
Documents and data control.
Prepare term of reference for selection of remaining consultants.
Prepare work schedule / time management plan.
Recommend and help in selecting consultant based on past performance (prequalification / bidding)
Conduct design work shop and verify gaps in coordination.
Manage concept / preliminary project reports and get approvals.
Manage design co-ordination with respective consultants.
Follow-up for resolution of conflicts.
Manage detailed project reports and get approval.
Manage scope of design life cycle.
Manage budget for design life cycle.
Value engineering during design stage including Life cycle cost analysis and constructability analysis.
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Review cost including checking of B.O.Q.
Review rate analysis / detailed specifications.
Review bid terms and condition.
Facilitate appointment of contractors based on bid evaluation.
Coordinate with QS Consultant.
Update Project Management Plan, (Quality policy, scope of works, project particulars, organization structure, duties and responsibility of key personnel, operating policies,
quality procedure, Master works schedule, method statement, material / works inspection
and test plan, forms and check lists, documentation index/ filling index, project co-
Review budget / cash flow plan and obtain client approval
Establish project control system.
Conduct joint evaluation of quality assessment and progress assessment.
Review and recommend interim payments after preparation by the Performance Management Manager.
Contractors Procurement plan review.
Engineering technical review of design consultants, comments on Contractors design, shop drawings and material submittals.
Value engineering during construction where the same does not impact the construction schedule.
Managing request for information (RFI), Request for action (RFA), corrective action reports (CAR).
Carry out Daily /Weekly / Monthly progress meetings.
Carry out EHS audit.
Prepare mitigation / recovery plan in case of delay with respect to baseline schedule.
Prepare contract management plan.
Carry out performance analysis (actual versus budget).
Manage scope of work and its variations.
Check as-built drawings prepared by the Contractor during construction.
Delivery Management-post construction
Prepare inspection works schedule based on authority requirements.
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Prepare final inspection and test plan.
Consolidate as-built drawings.
Carry out inspection and testing for applying cc.
Monitor authority approval to obtain cc.
Prepare hand over schedule.
Submit final reports on project handover in conjunction with design team.