Supporting Actions (Max 1325 Characters) KRA1 To coordinate in carrying out day-to-day administrative activities Ensuring timely and proper canteen services Collaborating with union members to discuss and solve major canteen concerns related to food quality, cleanliness etc. Ensuring proper security and safety measures in factory premises Analyzing attendance, late coming and leave records of employees and workers Monitoring canteen complaints on daily basis KRA2 To coordinate in ensuring proper housekeeping in guest house and factory premises Allotting housekeeping work in various production areas Coordinating in periodic utility maintenance of guest houses Planning and informing gardening plans to contractor, in addition to instructing over deployment of workers Verifying payment and attendance details of contract workers periodically Maintaining expenditure budget of office pantry KRA3 To coordinate in organizing welfare activities in addition to ensuring proper monitoring of the entry-exit of all vehicles in factory premises in addition to arranging for boarding and lodging of guests Coordinating in allocation of work to teams Monitoring all preparatory activities KRA4 To plan CSR initiatives and provide inputs for further CSR interventions Periodical review of the CSR policy & its effectiveness. Implement the need assessment to prepare the baseline of CSR agenda. Monitor the involvement of the employees in CSR agenda Qualifications: