Different between wbt and black box testing

White box testing (WBT) focuses on internal structure and code of the software, while black box testing focuses on external behavior and functionality.
White box testing (WBT) is also known as clear bo...read more

black box testing is used for non coders this test for outsource of the code by determine the errors and bugs manually.
white box testing is used for coders this test for internal sorce of the code by ...read more

WBT- White Box Testing is a testing in which a tester does not have any knowledge about codes or backend.
Black Box Testing:- In this testing the tester have some knowledge about backend or codes.

We check the internal code and external code testing is called the white box testing
After 100% development and white box testing . only we can check what is input and what is output test is called bla...read more

In white box testing we Test internal structure, design and documents has been uploaded.
In black box testing we test functionality of application. Without looking at the internal structure we test ...read more

white box testing is ,communication test unlike modules,black box testing is feel mechanism of application
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