Credit cards allow borrowing money while debit cards use funds from a linked account.
Credit cards charge interest on unpaid balances while debit cards do not.
Credit cards offer rewards and cashback wh...read more

Credit card is purchased after pay means comes in debit card withdraw and pay any purchase means goes out

Credit card first purchased after pay means comes in. debit card withdraw and pay any purchase. Means goes out

Credit card first purchased after pay means comes in. debit card withdraw and pay any purchase. Means goes out

भुगतान का साधन आने के बाद सबसे पहले क्रेडिट कार्ड से खरीदारी करें। डेबिट कार्ड से खरीदारी करें और किसी भी खरीदारी का भुगतान करें। मतलब निकल जाता है

भुगतान का साधन आने के बाद सबसे पहले क्रेडिट कार्ड से खरीदारी करें। डेबिट कार्ड से निकासी करें और किसी भी खरीदारी का भुगतान करें। मतलब निकल जाता है

Credit card first purchased after pay means comes. Debit card withdraw and pay any purchase means goes out

Credit card first purchased after pay means comes in. debit card withdraw and pay any purchase. Means goes out

Credit card first purchesed then after pay means comes in and debit card anytime withdrawl and any pay it means go out

Credit card first purchased after pay means comes in. debit card withdraw and pay any purchase. Means goes out

In credit card we purchased first n pay later n in debit card we withdraw money n pay money for any parchage.
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