Minimum Cost to Buy Oranges Problem Statement
You are given a bag of capacity 'W' kg and a list 'cost' of costs for packets of oranges with different weights. Each element at the i-th position in the list indicates the price of a packet weighing (i+1) kg.
If an element at i-th position in 'cost' is -1, it means the (i+1) kg packet is unavailable.
Your task is to determine the minimum total cost to purchase exactly 'W' kg of oranges. If it is not possible to buy exactly W kg, return -1. Assume an infinite supply of any available packet type.
N = 5, W = 5
cost = [20, 10, 4, 50, -1]
Minimum cost to achieve 5 kg of oranges is using one 3 kg packet costing 4, and one 2 kg packet costing 10. Total = 4 + 10 = 14.
1 ≤ N ≤ 1000
1 ≤ W ≤ 1000
-1 ≤ cost[i] ≤ 1000000
- Time Limit: 1 sec

Find the minimum cost to buy a specific weight of oranges given the cost of different weight packets.
Iterate through the list of costs and find the minimum cost to achieve the desired weight.
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