How to handle an irrate customer?

Handling an irate customer requires active listening, empathy, and problem-solving skills.
Remain calm and composed
Listen actively and let the customer vent
Empathize with their frustration
Apologize sin...read more

R/Sir ,Madam , his discuss of costumer requirements with costumer setisfaiction full fil requirement & best regards of satisfied costumeretc.

Like a good waice & best reply

Best why of tocking polaitly discuss with him then relige of us your.

R/sir, madan kind your information I am working with Limited staff installation for towers work foundation,and cabling or penal fixing provide project etc.

I am not looking for costumer I am working in project work with best cable exvetion ,& fixing Installation of any type towers work of building and pleace to city's and villege and civil foundation as ...read more

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