If your concrete is M50 and 28 days cube test result is below 100% so that time what you do next procedure.....?

If M50 concrete cube test result is below 100%, next procedure is to investigate the cause and take corrective measures.
Check if the mix design was correct and if the materials used were of good quali...read more

Less than 90 percentage

If we don't get our required strength of cube after 28 day's then we go for rebound hammer test on site and analyse that test result if satisfactory then go ahed and other side we don't get satisfacto...read more

Go for the Hammer test.

Go with Utrasonic pulse velocity test to check the grade of concrete used. If the grade matches then go with core cut test. In this method if 80%of desired strength is obtained the concrete can be ret...read more

Go for the Hammer test.

Step 1: Test result of 99% can be considered fine.
Step 2: Check if the results of all 7 days cube is the same. If even one passes the criteria, you are sure that the concrete is fine.
Step 3: If the ...read more
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