Least count of varnier calipers

The least count of vernier calipers is the smallest measurement that can be accurately read on the scale.
The least count is determined by the number of divisions on the main scale and the vernier scal...read more

least count of vernier calliper is 0.1 mm

least count of vernier calliper is 0.1 mm

.01 is least value of varnier

The least count of Vernier calliper is 0.01 mm for digital vernier calliper and 0.02 mm for mechanical vernier calliper .

It is defined as the difference between one main scale division and one vernier scale division. Therefore, the least count of vernier calliper is 0.1 mm

0.01 mm digital verner caliper
0.02 mm in mechanical caliper

The vernier calliper is 0.1mm

The least count of Vernier calliper is .02 mm

Vernier caliper list count is 0.02
Generally we use this in workshop

It is depend on the main scale and vernier scales

The least count of Vernier calliper is 0.01 mm for digital vernier calliper and 0.02 mm for mechanical vernier calliper.

0.01 for manual vernier calliper, and 0.02 for digital vernier calliper.

Least count of varnier calipers 0.02 mm

Vernier caliper least count -0.02mm

Vernier caliper least count -0.02mm

Least Count of Vernier Capiper= (measurement of smallest division on main scale/number of divisions on vernier scale)
Eg: Smallest division = 1 mm and No. of division count on the vernier scale = 50; ...read more


The least count of vernier calliper is 0.01



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