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Think Gas Ludhiana Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 5 Feb 2024

Q1. Flood Fill Algorithm Task

Assist Ninja in altering the color of a specific region in his photo. Given the image as a 2D array where each pixel is a positive integer, update the color of a specified pixel and more


The Flood Fill Algorithm is used to change the color of a particular region in an image and all its adjacent same-colored pixels.

  • The image is represented as a 2D array of positive integers

  • The starting pixel and new color are given

  • Adjacent pixels are connected in up, down, left, or right directions

  • Diagonal pixels are not considered adjacent

  • Implement the Flood Fill Algorithm to replace the color of the given pixel and its adjacent same-colored pixels with the new color

  • Repeat more

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Q2. Network Delay Time Problem Statement

Given a network of nodes numbered from 1 to 'N', and 'M' edges. Each edge is represented by three values (u, v, w) where 'u' and 'v' are nodes, and 'w' is an integer more

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Q3. Saving Money Problem Statement

Ninja is adventurous and loves traveling while being mindful of his expenses. Given a set of 'N' stations connected by 'M' trains, each train starting from station 'A' and more

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Q4. Flip Bit to Win Problem Statement

You are given a task to help ninjas maximize their practice area in a dense forest represented by a sequence of trees (1s) and empty places (0s) in the binary representation more

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Q5. Postfix to Prefix Conversion Problem

Ninja has been given a Postfix expression and requires assistance in converting it to a Prefix expression.

A Postfix expression is formatted such that the operator follows more

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Q6. Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm Problem Statement

You are given a connected undirected weighted graph. Your task is to determine the weight of the minimum spanning tree of this graph.

A minimum more


The task is to find the weight of the minimum spanning tree of a given connected undirected weighted graph.

  • Implement Kruskal's algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree

  • Use a disjoint set data structure to keep track of connected components

  • Sort the edges in non-decreasing order of their weights

  • Iterate through the sorted edges and add them to the minimum spanning tree if they don't create a cycle

  • Return the sum of weights of the edges in the minimum spanning tree

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Q7. Merge Sort Problem Statement

You are given a sequence of numbers, ARR. Your task is to return a sorted sequence of ARR in non-descending order using the Merge Sort algorithm.


The Merge Sort more


The task is to implement the merge sort algorithm to sort a given sequence of numbers in non-descending order.

  • Merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm that recursively divides the input array into two halves until the size becomes 1.

  • Then it merges the two sorted halves to produce a single sorted array.

  • The time complexity of merge sort is O(n log n), where n is the size of the input array.

  • The algorithm is efficient for large data sets and guarantees a stable sort.

  • The more

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Q8. Dice Throws Problem Statement

You are given D dice, each having F faces numbered from 1 to F. The task is to determine the number of possible ways to roll all the dice such that the sum of the face-up numbers more

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Q9. Safe Nodes in the Graph

You are provided with a matrix/list called 'EDGES' representing 'E' edges of a directed graph with 'N' nodes. Starting from a node 'START', a character named Ninja walks along a more

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