How we generate 15000k brokerage from clients If our brokerage is .50?

To generate 15000k brokerage from clients with .50 brokerage, we need to have a total trading volume of 3 billion.
Brokerage = Total Trading Volume * Brokerage Rate
15000k = Total Trading Volume * 0.50
T...read more

supposed Brokarage charge 50Rs in option for one side it means both side charge 100.
Eg. 50Rs. buy and 50Rs. sell 50 Rs. = 100Rs.
If I got 15 client than I will try to generate per client 1000Rs. Brokar...read more

If supposed Brokarage charge 50Rs in option for one side it means both side charge 100.
Eg. 50Rs. buy and 50Rs. sell 50 Rs. = 100Rs.
If I got 15 client than I will try to generate per client 1000Rs. Bro...read more

By doing trading volume of 30lakh

If Brokarage charge 50Rs in option for one side it means both side charge 100.
Eg. 50Rs. buy and 50Rs. sell = 100Rs.
If I got 15 client than I will try to generate per client 1000Rs. Brokarage in option...read more
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