A final product is insepected many times your higher authorities and finaly that give to you inspect & submit the report and you find a small diffect in that, your higher authority gives a suggestion as neglect that and give a good report, what will you do in that situation?


I would prioritize quality and report the defect to my higher authority.

  • Explain the importance of maintaining quality standards

  • Discuss the potential consequences of neglecting the defect

  • Offer alternat...read more

In such a situation, integrity and professionalism are crucial. If I find a defect in the final product, my responsibility is to report it honestly, regardless of the suggestion from higher authoritie...read more
Dharmendra singh

This is wrong, our small mistake can bring down the project. Whether the mistake is small or big, it should not be ignored.


I prefer 100% quality assurance for any kind of work. The defect will be identified as per codal provisions with acceptable tolerances and matter will be placed before higher authorities for suitable ...read more


That difect is an acceptable toleramces ia am accepted, not in acceptable tolerance i am expalin the higher authority which problems are face in future

I will inspect that product one or more times and find that diffect is what type, then it has parametric diffect surely that product is reject myself, where it is acceptable diffect specifically consi...read more
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