Multilevel Inheritance

Create a class GrandFather that has a parameterized constructor and a grandFatherName attribute.

Create another class Father that inherits the property of GrandFather and has a parameterized constructor with an additional argument fatherName.

Create another class Son that inherits Father's property and has a parameterized constructor with an additional argument sonName and a printName method that prints the sonName,fatherName, and grandFatherName into the format as shown below in SampleOutput 1.

You need to create the object of Son class and pass the value of sonName,fatherName,grandFatherName as 'Saurabh', 'Ramesh', and 'Suresh' respectively and call the printName method.

Intuitive Approach
  • First, we are creating class Grandfather has an attribute grandfathername after that creating class
  • Father has an additional attribute fathername now further creating a class has all more
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